Dragon’s Gate 2016 Guided Meditation & Frequency Report

The Dragon’s Gate is a long forgotten Ancient-Future Intergalactic Portal associated with the movement into and through Collective Golden Age Cycles.

During the 2015 Lion’s Gate, the Dragon’s Gate made its first appearance in several thousand years, although it did not open.

Its initial opening occurred during this year’s (2016) Lion’s Gate, where in linear time it remained open for only a four hour period; two hours prior to, to two hours after 12/12pm (noon) UTC.

It will open again each year during the Lion’s Gate Portal opening for the next nine years, (through 2025) and will incrementally remain open for longer periods of time each year, after which it will not reopen for several thousand more years.

For those who were not able to journey into the Dragon’s Gate this year, Kyra Meerna and I, Essence Ka tha’ras, have created a Guided Meditation to be used in the space of “No Time” that allows journeying into the Initial Opening of the Dragon’s Gate. You can find it at the end of this article.

Before you make your journey into the Dragon’s Gate I would like to share a bit of information about the baseline Frequencies this Initial Dragon’s Gate Opening brought us. Just like the annual Lion’s Gate, the Dragon’s Gate brings with it specific new codes and frequency realignment attunements for our use during the time span between consecutive Lion’s/Dragon’s Gate opening each August.

NOTE: the information contained within this report is not focused on the Individual and the work on the individual self; that is what the frequencies brought in by the Lion’s Gate are about. The frequencies brought in by the Dragon’s Gate are focused on the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia as the Individual Conscious Self it is.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report

Dragon’s Gate

Initial Opening 8/8/2016

The Frequencies held and emitted by the 2016 Dragon’s Gate are the 4 Frequency and the 00 Frequency.

The Metatronic I AM Keyword phrases for these frequencies are…

4 – I AM Form & Service

00 – I AM All Potentiality


4 Frequency

The 4 Frequency holds a Positive (+/Masculine/Action) charge.

The 4 Frequency is about work. It is about creating limits, boundaries and a solid foundation upon which to build.

It is represented by the Sacred Geometric forms of the Square and the Cube; equal in all ways and holding a unifying principle.

The 4 Frequency, through the Sacred Geometric forms of the Square and the Cube brings light into our body and our life in a balanced manner, and assists in holding our world in equilibrium. It helps us build our life upon a strong and solid foundation.

The 4 Frequency teaches the lesson of steady growth through patience, and shows the value of a strong work ethic; but above all else this frequency teaches us about our work in Service to Others and about doing our share of any necessary work, both in the physical world and in the Spiritual world.

Service to Others is a vital part of our Sacred Work. It can take many forms and everyone has a gift that is their passion and calling in life. Following this passion and sharing this gift is the truest and most Sacred way to be of true Service to Others, and in so doing we are carrying our fair share of the work load in the creation of our Collective Reality.

Another very important part of the energy of the 4 Frequency is about truly comprehending what it means to build a solid foundation, and what creating a solid foundation means to the work of being of Service to Others/the Collective.


00 Frequency

The 00 frequency holds a neutral/grounding charge

The 00 Frequency holds a neutral charge. It is Vortex Energy and used primarily for creating and building power and strength to add to whatever Intention is being Consciously Created. So with this we see that the 00 Frequency is being beamed out of the initial opening the Dragon’s Gate to help us build up energy of the work of starting the Foundation Building of the coming New Golden Age Cycle.

Remember, the Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword phrase for 00 is…

I AM All Potentiality

Just by looking at the keyword phrase we see what a powerful tool we have been gifted with from this Dragon’s Gate during its initial opening; a Spiritual Frequency tool for us to use in the initial foundation building we are set to take on.

The 00 Frequency is showing us that Truly we are not only capable of creating the reality we desire for our self and for the Collective Consciousness as One, it gives us a tool of immense power to work with.

The 4 & 00

Summary of the Initial Opening of the Dragon’s Gate 2016

So what we see this initial Dragon’s Gate is all about is truly setting about the work of being of Service to Others, all the way from the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia, up to and including stepping up and taking on our rightful share of the work as a part of the Galactic Collective Over Soul we are.

We, meaning the Human Collective Consciousness, now have to take on our responsibility as part of the Milky Way Galaxy’s Collective Consciousness.

We have to be responsible and do the work we are called to do; which is the work of building the foundation upon which the next Golden Age Cycle will be built.

We have to realize we are no longer just participating in creating our individual reality, or even our Earthly Reality. We are a part of something much bigger. Something Galactic, indeed something Universal, even Multi-Universal, and what we do here affects all forms of consciousness throughout All of Creation.

We said we were ready for this. Now we are expected to step up and do the work we asked to be a part of.

That is what this Initial Opening the Dragon’s Gate is all about; stepping up and being responsible at a Multi-Galactic, indeed a Universal level.

Additional Note: There is now a second Guided Meditation associated with the work of the Dragon’s Gate available. It is designed to assist in raising (one’s) frequency through an Energy Attunement which infuses ones Energy Matryx with the Multi-Universal Opaline Energy Ray. This is an initial step in activating your individual consciousness into the Milky Way Galaxy’s Collective Consciousness in preparation for entrance into the Galactic Collective Over Soul. You may find it at the following link…..

Opaline Infusion Meditation – 136.1 Hz Earth Freq


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2016 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Lion’s Gate 2016 Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report

The Lion’s Gate of 2016 brought in very specific energies and frequencies that will be affecting our lives and the issues brought to our attention and we will face in daily life, both individually and collectively, for the span of time between August 8th, 2016 and the opening of the Lion’s Gate on August 8th, 2017.

Following is the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report explaining what these frequencies and energies are, and how the will affect our lives in the coming Lion’s Gate Year.

Understanding the what and why about where certain situations come from and why they seemingly appear out of nowhere in our lives gives us assistance in dealing with them in a more positive manner. Please make note of this information so it can be of assistance to you in the coming “Lion’s Gate Year”.

Lion's Gate 2015 Exact Noon

In the traditional sense the Lion’s Gate is a yearly portal, or Energetic Gate that fully opens each August 8th allowing Light information into Earth’s energy matrix grid. It is aimed at assisting in energetic upgrades in codes for humans and Earth for each year. The Lion’s Gate is associated with the sign of Leo and with the Star System of Sirius.

Every year on the Lion’s Gate we need to be focused on allowing in, assimilating and activating the strong surge of Light, Energy and Information coming to Earth from the Great Central Sun, or RA Consciousness of our immediate Universe. This information comes in via a trans-informational line through the Energetic Gates of Sirius; one of our local parenting Star Systems.

Each time the Lion’s Gate opens we are given information and upgraded Sacred Geometric codes to be used for the next year to guide and assist us in further reawakening to the remembrance and use of lost knowledge necessary to our continued movement into the next “Golden Age Cycle” at which we currently sit on the edge of entering.

This is because the base frequency of the Lion’s Gate is that of the 88 Frequency and the 88 Frequency is about Sacred Geometry.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword phrase for the 88 Frequency is…

I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

The 88 Frequency deals with the study and knowledge of, and working with, Sacred Geometry. This includes all the different types of Grid Work we do.

It is associated with using Sacred Geometry in conjunction with Frequency in all its forms; Sound, Color, Light, Vibration, etc., to create, build and maintain our Physical Reality; and even “Reality” beyond the physical realms as well.

Also associated with this frequency is the knowledge and information held within Sacred Sites around our planet and the Sacred Geometric forms created by the configuration of their placement on the planet in relationship to each other.

It also encompasses Celestial Sacred Geometry, which includes knowledge of the Sacred Geometric Grid Patterns and the Frequencies they create, maintain and emit associated with our planet in relationship to placement, (and even distance), to other planets and Celestial bodies. This includes knowledge of, and working with The Music of the Spheres.


August 8, 2016

The Lion’s Gate

This year’s Lion’s Gate is bringing us energies created by the combination of the 7 and 66 Frequency and the 11/44 Dual Frequency.

Let’s take a quick look at what these frequencies are all about.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword phrases for these frequencies are…

7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

11/44 – I AM Structured Metamorphosis Created through Revelation of Thought, when Thought is Illuminated through Spiritual Truth


7 Frequency

The frequency of 7 is about Seeking and Study, Analysis and Understanding. In many ways, you could say 7 is the frequency of the mind.

This is that frequency that resonates with the adage of…

“Dances to the Beat of a Different Drummer”

Within the 7 frequency lies the energy of the Sciences and Technology; especially those related to the physical world. Many scientists and technological inventors have a strong 7 energy within their personal energy fields.

On the journey of Spiritual Awakening, the 7 frequency bandwidth is where the desire to go within to seek a clearer understanding of Self and the workings of our Universe, and how we fit into it all begins to become a priority in life. 7 is the frequency of the Sacred Mysteries and all things Spiritual, and here within this energy lies the initial gateway into The Sacred Esoteric Mysteries.

This is the energy frequency where combining the work of the Heart and the Mind begins. Through seeking and study the desire for change is spurred into initial action.

Gaining Spiritual Knowledge, one begins to understand the proper means by which to connect the Heart Chakra (4th) and the Third Eye Chakra (6th), which in turn opens the Crown Chakra (7th) in a way not experienced before.

7 is the movement, the Energy Pathway, leading to constructive use of the newly found freedom one acquires once they have liberated their self from “The Box” reality of the status quo.

66 Frequency

Just like the 6 Frequency, the 66 Frequency is very much about the Goddess/Sacred Feminine/Heart energy at work influencing us.

The 66 Frequency differs from the 6 Frequency in that the 6 Frequency is about us taking on our share of the Responsibility for the care of family, but the 66 Frequency is about us doing the work of Healing for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia/Earth specifically.

Under the 66 Frequency’s influence we are being given direction and energetic assistance to be of support and aid in the healing of the Collective Consciousness and our planet on all levels; Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.

The Mother Goddess/Sacred Feminine energy is about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, and not out of a sense of obligation. It teaches us how to care for family without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in a manner we see and believe to be the most proper; but instead doing so in a fashion that fosters each individual to be responsible for self.

This is the Mother aspect of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, teaching others by words, deeds and actions of Love, not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation, in how to think for their Self and be responsible in their interactions with others and the world as a whole.

This frequency very much brings assistance in the further opening of the Heart Chakra of the Collective Consciousness.

11/44 Dual

Wow… Powerful frequency here!

This dual frequency combination brings energy to assist in creating big change, not so much for our individual self, but change in the Collective Consciousness of humanity as a whole.

This frequency speaks of the Initial Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness as the Individual Consciousness it exists as. That is a very powerful energy gifting our planet at this time.

I will tell you, in the all time I have been doing these reports using Metatronic Numerology I don’t remember us every being under the influence of this frequency combination.

The 11 frequency is the frequency of Initial Spiritual Awakening and the 44 frequency is the frequency that deals with Group Collective Conscious Minds. The 44 frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind occurs.

It is also the frequency where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best. Under this frequency’s influence those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis. Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

As we as a Collective Consciousness heal and begin making our way deeper down the path into the multi-dimensional realms we will change significantly, and so will our perceptions of reality. We are getting ready to change in ways that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine. We are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates when we can truly work as one cohesive consciousness.

Yet that is exactly what this 11/44 Dual Frequency is bringing us; the frequency energy needed to create “Structured Metamorphosis” of our collective reality.

Structured Metamorphosis means we are bringing about this type of change consciously by using every form of Sacred Technology, Sacred Geometry, Energy Work, Grid Work, and every other Sacred tool we have at our disposal and using them from a place of full understanding of how they truly work in creating reality.

To create reality in this way we have to be able to do so from a place of Spiritual Truth understood through a clear and Spiritually Intelligent Mind.

Those of the main frequencies brought to us to work with through this Lion’s Gate portal for us to work with in the coming year.

Other Frequencies

There are also strong frequencies in play from this Lion’s Gate that are putting pressure on us to deal with some imbalanced karmic energies that have to do with relationships; first… our personal relationships, and then also our relationships with the collective.

Beyond that we are also feeling pressure to deal with Group Collective relationships between different groups of people: examples such as political parties and ideologies within individual countries, and relationships of countries between each other.

A very big part of the imbalanced karmic energy work has to do with the misuse of technologies that are causing harm to the Earth and all life on it.

We really need to begin seeing ourselves as one people; as one planet and stop seeing ourselves as this country or that country, or as a part of this group who is better than that group.

We need to wake up to the fact that either we all survive as one and thrive as equals, or we all die as the many parts that don’t fit together. We either come together or we die one separated part at a time.

Many groups preach this message, but very few groups take action in this direction. Although I will say I am beginning to see more of it every day; and that is a good sign we are actually starting to listen.

But… WE, those who call ourselves “Spiritually Awakened and Aware”… WE.. have to lead the way. Each of us has to be a part of the group who does this healing work every day, all the time, in everything we do, say and especially think!

It’s time to step this game up a level and stop just repeating pretty words and begin to truly live and walk our talk.

So these are the frequencies that are coming to us from this year’s Lion’s Gate opening and will influence a big portion of what we will have to face and deal with between now and next August 8th and the Lion’s Gate of 2017.

Yet remember, they are also the frequencies that will assist us the most as we do this work in the coming year.


Be sure to look for the article entitled:

Dragon’s Gate 2016: Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report

for information of the Initial Opening of the Dragon’s Gate that occurred within the 2016 Lion’s Gate opening.  This is something we have not experienced for several thousand years.

And if you missed our Blog Talk Radio program, ” Flowing with Spirit” that aired on the Lion’s Gate, 8/8/16, you can listen to the archive here!

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2016 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Flowing with Spirit: Lion’s/Dragon’s Gate 2016

Join Co-hosts, Essence Ka tha’ras and Kyra Meerna, along with program producer, Katsura Balanza, on this month’s “Flowing with Spirit” Blog Talk Radio program.

This month’s beginning topic will be focused on sharing information about the 2016 Lion’s Gate, as well as knowledge of the opening of the long forgotten Dragon’s Gate; the Ancient-Future Intergalactic Portal associated with the initial movement into the coming Collective Golden Age Cycle.

Please join us on Monday, August 8th, 2016 as we share this exciting newly reawaking knowledge.

As always, we welcome you to call in and add to our discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions.

Call in at 516-387-1874 on Monday, August 8th, 2016 at 7:30pm PDT/9:30pm CDT


Because of the fact “Flowing with Spirit” Blog Talk Radio program will air after the Dragon’s Gate has closed, I am led to share basic information about the linear time in which this long forgotten Ancient-Future Intergalactic Portal will be open.

Sharing this basic information now will allow those who desire to do so the ability to interact with the Dragon’s Gate in their local time zone when it is open in what we term “Real Time”.

This year is the first time this Ancient-Future Intergalactic Portal known as the Dragon’s Gate has been open in several thousand years and will be open for only a four hour period in linear time.

To learn when the Dragon’s Gate will be open in your local time zone you will need to calculate what time it is where you live that synchronizes with 12 Noon UTC Time.

You can easily make this calculation using the Time Zone Converter at this link……. Time Zone Converter

Simply set the date and time for August 8, 2016 & 12/12PM in the top section and choose UTC/GMT as the location. Then in the second section choose the time zone where you live and click “Convert time”.

Then during the four hour period of two hours prior to two hours after 12:00 UTC find time to meditate and move through the Lion’s Gate Portal. Once there spend time and receive information for your use for the coming year; whatever information you are meant to receive. Don’t forget to do this. This is a very important part of our current work.

After you have spent the time necessary within the energies of this year’s Lion’s Gate energies begin looking for the Dragon’s Gate Portal far in the distance within the Lion’s Gate Realm. You will find it far in the distance directly at the center of the Lion’s Gate Realm. Slowly move toward it and once you are in front of it, simply step into it and stand quietly. Take note of anything you might feel or see, and don’t be surprised if you don’t really seem to sense much. After some time spent within the Dragon’s Gate Realm take your leave by backing out of this realm through the portal/star gate, until you once again find yourself within the Lion’s Gate Realm. Please do not turn and leave… Back Out.

You can now finish this journey and begin taking your leave from within the Lion’s Gate Realm anytime you desire and IN-Joy the rest of the day of this year’s Lion’s Gate and all it has to offer us.

Don’t worry… If you can’t make it into the Dragon’s Gate during its opening in your local time, Kyra and I have created a Guided Meditation to lead you into it in “No Time Space”. It will be posted on SoundCloud. Just go there and search or use the link below.

Essence Ka tha’ras

The Great Star

The Great Star

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

“Flowing with Spirit” is a proud member of the Muse Broadcast monthly lineup.

Connect with Essence Ka tha’ras

FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher

Website: ShambahallaNewEarth.com


FB: Muse Broadcast

The Clock Is Ticking….. On the One Day Meditation Retreat


Shambahalla – New Earth

One Day Meditation Retreat & Workshop

Meditation: Mudras, Mantras & Malas


In less than two weeks, on Saturday, March 19th we will be sitting in the beautiful surroundings of the Langetree Retreat & Eco Center​  at the Meditation Retreat: Mudras, Mantras & Malas in the company of Like-Minded individuals, learning, sharing, growing and Meditating together.


The cost for this wonderful Retreat is only $44 if paid in advance, and includes a delicious lunch prepared by the loving staff of the Langetree Retreat Center. Reiki infused water will also be provided. (Event price at the door is $55 and does not include lunch)

There are a few tickets left that include the Retreat, with lunch and a traditional 54 Rudraksha Bead Mala for the price of only $55. Normally this Mala sells for $22, making this a savings of $11.



A Bit About This Retreat

During the energies of the Spring Equinox, Kyra and I will share information on how the use of Mudras, Mantras and Malas, as well as specific Breathing Techniques, can benefit your current Meditation practice and help take your meditative experiences to the next level.

Along with applying the use of Mudras, Mantras and Malas to meditation experiences during this daylong Retreat & Workshop we will also spend time in a Silent Walking Meditation as we stroll the beautiful one mile Labyrinth on the grounds of the serene Langetree Retreat Center.

We will also spend time in Group Meditation doing Energy Work in what is known as The Ancient-Future Temple of Tone, which incorporates the use of Mudras, Mantras, Malas, Chanting and Sacred Geometry.

The Langetree Retreat & ECO Center is located just outside of Liberty, Texas approximately one hour Northeast of Houston, TX and approximately 45 minutes West of Beaumont, Texas.

Malas of different types, including wooden bead malas, traditional rose petal bead malas, traditional Rudraksha malas, and more will be available for purchase at the event.

So make sure you Get Your Ticket and Mark Your Calendar Now and plan to attend this special event where you can spend time learning and meditating with like-minded people during the energies of the Spring Equinox.

You can Purchase Your Ticket using the link provided, but do it NOW in order to assure you get to take advantage of our Special Offers and your spot in this amazing Retreat & Workshop is secured. Time is limited on how long the last of the Special Offer tickets will be available, so ACT NOW!!!

Shambahalla-New Earth Day Meditation Retreat & Workshop


For more information e-mail Essence Ka tha’ras at… essencek@shambahallanewearth.com

Or call 409-382-3073

Sorry, but no refunds will be available. You must be at the retreat in order to collect your Rudraksha Bead Mala.

Active & Passive Meditation

I am sharing this information in conjunction with the Meditation Retreat: Mudras, Mantras & Malas, Kyra and I are hosting on Saturday, March 19th, 2016.

If you are interested in attending this One Day Meditation Retreat please see the “Events” page where you can purchase your ticket in advance.


Many people believe the purpose of meditation is to completely silence the mind. This is not exactly correct, and in my opinion one of the reasons so many people are put off by the thought of starting a routine meditation practice and/or have so much trouble learning how to meditate.

A better way to view the concept of meditation is not to learn to completely silence the mind of all thought, but to learn to calm what has come to be referred to as “The Monkey Mind”; the constant uncontrolled chatter that goes on in most people’s thought processes. And since we just recently entered into a Yang Red Fire Monkey Year, what better time to start!

When you have learned to tame the Monkey Mind then the complete silencing of the mind comes much easier.

I recommend starting with what is known as “Active Meditation”; sometimes used in conjunction with Guided Meditation.

Active Meditation associations:

Thought, Mind Experience, Clear Thought, Third Eye & Crown Chakras

 Passive Meditation associations:

Experience, Heart Experience, Balanced Emotions, Heart & High Heart Chakras


To be truly Balanced in our lives we must utilize both types of Meditation


Following is a simple Active Meditation exercise.

Do this before scrolling down further

A: Choose one of the following numbers:


0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


B: Find the corresponding Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword phrase below and use it to focus and Meditate on and see what information is brought to you. This will bring you relevant information to assist you in the work you are currently doing on Self in your Spiritual Awakening Journey. You can also use this daily or weekly to be a focus for your learning during that time period.


Metatronic Numerology I AM Keyword Phrases

0 – I AM First Cause

1 – I AM Independent & Brave

2 – I AM Balanced Communication

3 – I AM Joyful Creation

4 – I AM Form & Service

5 – I AM Adventurous Change

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

8 – I AM Secure Physical Reality

9 – I AM Unconditional Giving



IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2016  Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

144 Double Helix Strand Spiritual DNA Activation Process

Back in 2013 a friend asked me for instruction on Activating Multiple Strand Spiritual DNA. In response to her request I wrote the following and shared it. Today Spirit has led me to share this information once more for any who may want to use this particular process for Activating their Multiple Strand Spiritual DNA.


DNA Activation Process

I suggest you start with initially activating 12 Strands of Spiritual DNA, then proceed in increments of 12 until you reach 72; so that would be 12 Double Helix Strands initially activated, followed by 12 more strands four more times until you have reactivated 72 Strands of Spiritual DNA. That would increase the number of Spiritual DNA activated by the following count: 2 strands increased to 12 strands, 12 strands  increased by 12 to 24 strands, 24 Strands increased to 36 strands, 36 to 48, 48 to 60, and finally 60 strands increased by 12 strands to 72 strands.

Once you have activated the first 72 Double Helix Strands of Spiritual DNA you will then activate another 72 strands all at once, which will take you to 144 Double Helix Strands of DNA, or 288 Single Strands of DNA.

First I would like to share an excerpt from an article I wrote back in February of 2012. In it I shared a bit of information about Spiritual DNA. Here is what I wrote on Spiritual DNA, and a link to the whole article if you would like to read it in full.

Conscious Intent & Purpose

“5) Back to that Spiritual DNA we were talking about

By now most Lightworkers are aware of the process of activating multiple “new” strands of Spiritual DNA. The Spiritual DNA we are currently activating has always been a part of our complete Spiritual Self, and is necessary for raising the frequency of our physical and etheric bodies so as to enable us to, safely and effectively move “back into” our Light Bodies. Sometimes this process is misunderstood. It is more clearly stated that we are RE-Activating these Spiritual DNA strands. They have always been there; we just stepped too deeply into dense frequency vibratory rate realms for them to operate at full capacity. In a very basic manner, the vast majority of these Spiritual DNA strands had to shut down almost completely or we would not have been capable of moving into such dense frequency realms. This DNA has always been within us, and the knowledge of this hidden and almost completely dormant DNA allowed those who knew of it to implant mechanisms and devices into it that aided them in using it in controlling ways. Keeping the knowledge of these “Spiritual DNA Strands” hidden for as long as possible was the first order of business for the Shadow Side Forces.

 Strategically placed locks within particular Spiritual DNA Strands create blockages to the knowledge of the truth of humankind’s Spiritual heritage. Tactically placed, these obstructions create stumbling blocks that, although they cannot and will not halt the inevitable outcome of all that is encompassed in the current Ascension process, if left unchecked and unattended, can and will, slow the process.

 Every truth humans reawaken to, deal with and take charge of implementing into their lives, individually and collectively, is one less blockage that can hinder the progression of our journey home to ONEness.”


Now for the activation process

Each of us has what we can term or label an “Etheric Physician”; “Etheric” meaning non-terrestrial. Very basically, I guess you could say, this is one of our Spiritual Guides who we can call on to help us maintain and care for our Etheric and Physical Bodies, including our Aura; our personal energy field.

Step 1:

Go into a meditative state with the intention of calling upon your Personal Etheric Physician. The first time you call upon your Personal Etheric Physician, I suggest you take the time to meet them and get to know them a bit. Very much like you would a physician in the physical world.

Questions you may want to ask and have answered

Do they emit a Masculine of Feminine frequency? (to us… are they male or female) What is his/her name? What do they look like? Where are they from? Have you work with them before? and if so, when and where? And any other questions you might have.

Step 2:

Once you have gotten to “know” them, you can either set an appointment for later, (if you are ready to physically leave meditation) to Activate the number of Spiritual Strands of DNA you are ready to activate and maintain.

Sometimes they will have specific instructions as to certain work they want you to do for a certain number of days, in preparation for the Activation. Examples such as, they may want you to fast and/or cleanse. They may want you to meditate on something specific for a certain amount of time, or they may want you to finalize some particular type of emotional release work, etc. They may also ask you to gather crystals or other stones of particular vibratory rates to utilize during the activations, or even particular Essences or Essential Oils. Other times they will think you are ready then. Simply follow their instructions.  

On the day of each activation, try to find at least a several hour period when you will be undisturbed. This allows you time for the meditation process where the activation will take place, plus time afterwards for relaxing and allowing the initial assimilation of the new frequencies to settle into your personal energy field/aura and you physical body.  

A visual for this newly activated Spiritual DNA:

The Double Helix Strands of DNA weave themselves together creating an energy channel, or tube, that runs through the center of your body. Basically you can visualize it creating a boundary, or the wall of your Sushumna Channel. (For now only focus on the Sushumna Channel in the picture below, and do not concern yourself with the Ida and Pingala energy channels for this work.) 

Sushumna Channel & Ida and Pingala Channels

Sushumna Channel
& Ida and Pingala Channels

The activation of each additional 12 Strand increment increases the diameter of the Sushumna Channel. How this will feel is very individual. My personal experience is that once all 72 Double Helix Strands are activated and woven together, the Sushumna Channel fills approximately the center 1/3 of the physical body.

Once you have activated the first 72 Double Helix Strands of Spiritual DNA, and have worked with this for a sufficient amount of linear time and are comfortable with maintaining this frequency, then you are ready to activate the next 72 Strands.

The Second 72 Strands of Spiritual DNA

The activation of these 72 Strands is done all at once. I suggest, if possible in your daily life, you set aside two days of at least minimal physical exertion for this activation. (Alone time is always best, but is not always afforded to us in our day to day lives.) This will give you time to do the work with your Etheric Physician and then have a relaxing down time to let the physical body rest and adjust to the substantial frequency increase.

The process is the same as with the smaller number strand activations. I highly suggest you meet with your Etheric Physician a few days, to a week or so before you plan on doing this activation to see if they have any specific instructions they would like for you to follow.

The activation of this second set of 72 Double Helix Strands of Spiritual DNA creates a second outer wall of your Sushumna Channel. In other words, the “Energy Channel/Tube” created by the first 72 Strands will be contained just inside this “Energy Channel”. Like double paned glass, this makes a second layer.

On the day of this Activation, do as before and move into your meditative state, following all instructions from your Etheric Physician.

Allow quite relaxing time to assimilate these new frequencies after the work is completed.


If you notice, each of the numbers associated with this DNA Activation process adds to either a 3, a 6 or a 9. This is the same number sequence associated with the Solfeggio Frequencies. I highly recommend the use of the Solfeggio Frequencies during the time of preparation for, and in the actual Activations.

Personally I suggest you specifically use the 528 Hz – Miracle/DNA Repair and the 417 Hz – Transmutation. The use of any and/or all is fine, but these two in particular are very good for this work.

If you are not familiar with the Solfeggio Frequency tones and music, you can simply search it on the web. There are many good Solfeggio music videos on Youtube and you can buy any number of versions of them on iTunes. Just find what resonates with you.


Remember, 12 Double Helix Strands is actually 24 Single Strands of DNA, 24 Double Helix Strands is actually 48 Single Strands of DNA, etc.

Each Double Helix Stand pair will have a Masculine/+ Charged Strand and a Feminine/ – Charged Strand joined into one “Double Helix”.  

Double Helix DNA

Double Helix DNA

In conjunction with these activation, once you have assimilated and adjusted to the higher frequencies you are now holding and maintaining, (allow several weeks after the assimilation of the second 72 Strands before doing this next step), you will initiate a double spin direction of these two layers of Spiritual DNA.

Once again, go into your meditative state and call upon your Etheric Physician to assist you in this process.

Initiate/Start the inner Energy Channel spinning in a clockwise direction. Give a few minutes to allowing this spin to start and then find its proper rate of spin.

Once this feels complete you will then initiate the outer Energy Channel to begin spinning in a counter-clockwise direction. Give yourself time to allow these two spin directions to find equilibrium and set the proper spin rate and ratio to each other.

Your Double Helix Strand Spiritual DNA Activation is now complete.

 My personal advice:

1: Don’t let your ego guide you into thinking you can skip ahead in this process. You can cause yourself emotional and mental discomfort and slow the process down by thinking and acting on decisions made with Ego’s voice and advise.

2: You need to give some linear time, usually a few weeks, (1 to 3) between each additional Activation. You have to learn to operate, and maintain each higher frequency.  

3: Consciously work each day with these newly RE-activated Strands of Spiritual DNA. Give at least a few minutes time each day to making sure your energy is flowing correctly and with no blockages.

4: Become acquainted with what the energy flows feel like along these Strands and within this newly expanded Sushumna Channel. If you discover any blockages, or begin having emotional, mental or physical issues, simply call upon your Etheric Physician for assistance and follow their instructions.

5: For all who practice Energy Healing. Remember, we each have our own personal Etheric Physician. When you are doing Healing Energy Work on another, you can call on your Etheric Physician to contact their Etheric Physician for assistance. Once you become more efficient at working with Etheric Physicians, you can call directly on the Etheric Physician of the person you are doing the Healing Energy Work for.

I hope this information is of assistance. It has been shared in the Frequency and the Energy of Unconditional Love and ONEness.


IN-Joy your newly RE-awakened Frequencies.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com







Flowing with Spirit~Muse Broadcast Mystic Moondays

Be sure to join me, Essence Ka tha’ras, along with Kyra Merna and Katsura Balanze Monday, January 11th,  at 7:30pm PST/9:30 CST on our Blog Talk Radio program, “Flowing with Spirit”, hosted by Muse Broadcast as part of their Mystic Moondays programing.

Our starting topic this month will be “Changing Perspectives”. We will talk about why holding a positive perspective in life is so important and share simple techniques to use  in daily life that help us identify perspectives that need to be changed, and how to change them easily and efficiently.

Change Reality sm

Starting this month we will start every program with a five to ten minute Guided Meditation to assist with grounding and centering.

Be sure you don’t miss this time we set aside each month to come together and share with each other and learn to better hear the voice of Spirit residing in each of us. As always, you are welcome to call in at (516) 387-1874  and share your perspective, or ask questions.

Find us at this link…  “Flowing with Spirit”


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com