Is Donald Trump a Lightworker?

Is Donald Trump a Lightworker?

This is a question I have been answering and a message I have been sharing about this human since 2016.
Unfortunately this message most often falls on deaf ears, but let’s try one more time.


What he is is a physical manifestation of Our Collective making.

What he is is a mirror reflection of all the Imbalanced Ego held within our Collective Conscious Mind.

He is the mirror to force this Collective Mind, Our Global Society, to face the violent ugly nature Humanity has been feeding and existing within for the past 6,000+/- years on Earth. This is the result of actions taken over 13,000 to 15,000 years ago in Atlantis with the misuse and abuse of technology in that Collective Civilization Incarnation; Our last Collective Civilization Incarnation.

He and everything he represents and mirrors back to this Collective Mind CAN BE a Catalyst necessary to the Rebalancing of our Current Collective Reality Experience, BUT ONLY… if WE are brave and honest enough to look our Collective Self in the Eyes and admit our flaws and correct them.

The biggest challenge WE currently face in making positive change is that the majority of humans will fight to their own destruction before admitting they have made a wrong choice.

As a species We have become more concerned with “Being Right” than we are about “Doing What Is Right”.

For more information and a deeper understanding on how Starseeds fit into this and how they (We) have been affected and what part Starseeds have played into the current global situation please watch the following video….

Krone Essence Ka tha’ras
International Koalition of Krones