Metatronic Numerology Millennium

I wrote this in February of 2020 but am just now led to share it.
For those whom this information resonates with that will make complete sense.
There are 1000 Years in a Millennium
There are 10 Centuries in a Millennium
There are 10 Decades in a Century
There are 100 Decades in a Millennium
2020 is a Baseline 4 Frequency Year with a higher frequency of 22
The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrases for these frequencies are….
4: I AM Form & Service
22: I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure
The pressure for us to step up and take on responsibility for co-creating the collective reality in a conscious way is going to intensify and it’s not going to let up for the rest of this century, in fact it will only keep intensifying until we get it; one way or the other.
New Millennium:
2000–2/000 Frequency

New Century: 2000–2 Frequency

New Decade frequencies in play: 3, 4/22, 4, 00/22 and very subtly the 7

I AM keyword phrases…
3: I AM Joyful Creation
4: I AM Form & Service
7: I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

4/22: I AM Manifest Form in Service to Spirit, and I Lay the Foundation Upon Which the Sacred Is Built

00/22: I AM the All Encompassing Potential Seen through Spiritual Vision; I AM the Template of Sacredness upon which Reality is Built
Frequency: 22(4)

Third Decade of the Century: 4 & 00/22
3 Frequency— baseline Creation Frequency::: we’re setting the baseline of the way we will Create our Collective Reality for the rest of this Century

Between the years 2020-2050, with years between 2020 & 2044 being most significant.

Remember, we are still in the very early years of a new millennium.
The first century of a new millennium is the timeframe in which the decisions made about how we operate as a Collective set the baseline of how we will continue through the rest of that millennium as a Collective and the Collective Reality Experience we will have to move through and exist within.

The frequencies associated with each Millennium, Century, Decade, Year, etc. give us information about the pathway we have set before us, (determined by past Collective decisions we’ve made), as well as clues as to the best way to proceed forward so as to continue with the work of the Awakening and Expansion of Consciousness of our Collective Individualized Self.

These frequencies also bath us in energies that will be of the most assistance to us in moving along the pathway set before us in the most positive way possible.

Please remember, even though this is the case, many factors will come into play along this pathway as we walk it in the coming millennium that can, and will, alter our course. Factors that can make either beneficial or detrimental course alterations.

On top of this we are in the early stages of a New Great Year Cycle; the years in which decisions made will determine the baseline frequencies that we will use to Create our Collective Reality Experience (of Earth and beyond) for a minimum of at least the next 13,000 years.

Then take into account that what we decide as a Collective to experience for the next 13,000 years as our Reality Experience is playing into setting the stage for our Reality Experience as a Collective not only of Humanity of Earth, but as the Galactic Reality Experience we are but a small portion of as a Galactic Collective Consciousness. From the perspective of the Galactic Collective Consciousness we are (a portion of) the linear timeline affected by decisions we make in the next few years (up to 8 decades) is a minimum of 1 to 10 Million years.

This is significant because of where we currently are as a Collective Consciousness in our Reality Experience and our Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion Journey.

Basically stated it goes like this…
2020 is the linear Earth Year that Humanity Goes Galactic.

That means, centuries and millennia from now, Humanity as a species will look “back” across time and recognize and say, “2020! That was the year we began the process of becoming Galactic Citizens and Travelers.”

A thousand years from now, Earth Human history will speak of 2020, (the year and the decade), as being the biggest turning point in this current Collective’s journey of physical existence. It will speak of and stand as a reminder for all eternity as to what the Human species is capable of, both as creators and as destroyers. This is so because right Here, Right NOW is where we begin the process of making the decisions that will lead us into what Collective Reality Timeline Experience we will choose to travel for a MINNIMUM of the next 13,000 years. (13,000 years is just a starting point)

Let us make the decisions as to Humanity’s Future Reality Experience that causes us to be the Human Generation our descendants speak of in the Ancient~Future with Love, respect and pride. Not one that is spoken of as the Generation whose decisions had to be overcome because we lead the Creation of Collective Reality down a path to almost total annihilation.

Gy’ She’em
🦋🌹Krone Essence Ka tha’ras

International Koalition of Krones

Be sure to join us for the next IKoK Chat.
It will be August 6, 2020 @8:30pm CDT on Zoom.

Simply go to the International Koalition of Krones page and look for the Event where you will find all the information necessary to join us live.

Until then, here is a link to the last IKoK Chat.

IKoK Chat~ Aug. 6, 2020

Draconis Gnosis & Collective Dark Night of the Soul

Please join the IKoK Krones of the International Koalition of Krones on our bi-monthly online Zoom Chat and be a part of shared Sacred Contractual Work on this Journey we call Life on Earth as Human and make our way traveling together through these current times.

The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey.

The IKoK currently meet twice a month on a Zoom Conference Chat to talk and share information, knowledge, wisdom, and insights. Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.

The topic for this IKoK Chat is… “Draconis Gnosis & Collective Dark Night of the Soul”

Draconis Gnosis is a term referring to Ancient~Future Knowledge and Wisdom. Along with that we will be looking at the current global situation that in many ways shows us we are entering into what can only be referred to as a “Collective Dark Night of the Soul” and what that means for us.

If you are ready to discuss and share your thoughts on this topic then please make plans to join us.

Be sure to “Like” & “Follow” the International Koalition of Krones Facebook page and Subscribe to out YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date.

You can find past IKoK Chat recordings on this YouTube Channel. Just use this link…..


“Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”

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