Metatronic Numerology: 11/444 Dual Frequency

In mid-January of this year, (2019) another new (to us) frequency made its way into the energy fields of Earth and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. This particular frequency is the Metatronic Numerology 11/444 Dual Frequency.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 11/444 Dual Frequency is…

I AM the Truth of the Expanded Multidimensional Form Illumined

What this frequency brought onto the planet and Humanity’s Collective energy field is the ability to see the true multidimensional form; to know our multidimensionality as it truly exists in all its states of manifest form.

As individualized sparks of the ONE manifest in physical human form in this current timeframe reality on Earth our ability to see and experience the Greater Reality is limited to viewing and experiencing (it) from the earthly human perspective.

Because of the limited experience view we currently perceive the Greater Reality from, we are not able to “see”, (remember) we ARE multidimensional; always have been, always will be.                                                                               

From this view perspective we cannot “see” that this, our current reality as individualized sparks of the ONE manifest in physical human form on Earth is but one aspect of multidimensionality. We cannot “see” (access and operate as) that within our greater multidimensional self this portion, this aspect, is every bit a part of, and important to, our full multidimensional self as is any other.

We have forgotten that being here is not punishment generated from some perceived wrong choice made. This is an experience perspective we freely chose to be a part of for the benefit of, and the expanding of, the consciousness of the ONE. Indeed, we have forgotten the ONE is ever expanding. We tend to think of the ONE as having completed its consciousness expansion process, when this is simply not true. The expansion of consciousness is infinite, even for the ONE.

As individualized sparks of the ONE, (what we consider to be our individualized soul perspective), we chose to be here, and WE, the individualized Collective Consciousness of Humanity, chose to be here as well. WE chose to be here simply to create this portion of the Greater Reality, then experience it for the purpose of the expansion of the consciousness of the ONE.

Just as our individual daily human lives are constantly being formed by the decisions and choices we make in every moment of every day, so too is the Collective Consciousness of Humanity constantly forming and directing its experience path by the choices made in every moment.

Every choice made is instruction for the placement of the next step to be taken, and the sequence of the steps taken defines the path and its trajectory into “What is Soon to Come”; what we perceive as “Future”, both individually and collectively.

Even what is referred to as “The Fall” was a Collective choice made simply for creating the experience. This does not take away from the consequences generated by the choice made, (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) or the experiencing of those consequences. It simply means we are not victims. What we are is Spirit individualized experiencing this portion of a Greater Reality.

Because of the steps taken and the experience path previously chosen by the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and the steps WE continuously make, WE find our (Collective) Self standing where WE are in this NOW moment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The next step choices WE make are vital because they are instructions for the trajectory of our path and lead this Collective to another (next) NOW memory point reality experience on the fabric of Spacetime.

It’s time WE take seriously the decisions WE are making as a Collective. WE are standing on a major precipice and the next few decisions WE make are going to determine if we fall or fly. It’s time WE come together and Fly!

Together WE Fly!!

IN-Joy I Share

In Service to the ONE

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

© 2019  Essence Ka tha’ras

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Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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This entry was posted in 2019, Ancient-Future, Consciousness, Consciousness Expansion, Energy, Essence Ka tha'ras, Expansion, Frequency, Frequency Readings, Information Transmission, Metatronic Consciousness, Metatronic Numerology, Multi-Dimensional, New Knowledge, Spirituality and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , by Essence Ka tha'ras. Bookmark the permalink.

About Essence Ka tha'ras

I AM Essence Ka tha’ras I AM a Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator Akashic Record Access Guide Master Metatronic Numerologist Founder: IKoK: International Koalition of Krones Intergalactic Magnetic Activation Master Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Past/Future Life Regressionist Shambahallan Aksha’aw Master/Teacher Neo-Natal Numerologist Writer ******** I Am here to assist others in their Spiritual Awakening process, helping them to remember their individual responsibility in Conscious Co-Creation as we move into Universal & Cosmic Realms as Awakened Equals. I Am here to assist in Facilitating in the Spiritual Awakening and Advancement of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity so as to ready us to take on our responsibility for, and our place in, the Creation of our World prepared and equipped to participate in the Cosmic realms as the Divine Spiritual BE-ings of Perfection we truly are. I began my spiritual awakening journey approximately forty-five years ago. In 1999 I began to consciously connect and communicate with Aspects of Self. Today I have fully integrated many Multidimensional Aspects of Self and continue to contact and connect with many others. My Sacred Contractual work has called me into service as an Agent of Communication and Energy Conduit for Etheric BE-ings of Shambahalla, New Earth, and several other Multidimensional Realms and Realities. Because of this I do several different types of energy work, including Energy Readings and Alignments, Energy Activation and Attunements, as well as work within the Akashic and Dimensional Time Realms. A large part of my Sacred Contractual Work in this lifetime is to bring Ancient/Future Knowledge back to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity on Earth; Knowledge that was lost to us as we descended ever deeper into the lower frequency physical realms. I offer several types of Energy Work Services and Sacred Products I create myself. I also teach beginner to advanced classes and workshops on a wide range of Meta-spiritual topics, host Weekend Workshops and Seminars. I am the Founder of the International Koalition of Krones. The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”. Find me and connect on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or email me. Don't forget to connect with me and the other IKoK Krones. Our Facebook page is... International Koalition of Krones If you are interested in having an Akashic Record Energy Reading Session with me please email me at...