Metatronic Numerology: 11/444 Dual Frequency

In mid-January of this year, (2019) another new (to us) frequency made its way into the energy fields of Earth and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. This particular frequency is the Metatronic Numerology 11/444 Dual Frequency.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 11/444 Dual Frequency is…

I AM the Truth of the Expanded Multidimensional Form Illumined

What this frequency brought onto the planet and Humanity’s Collective energy field is the ability to see the true multidimensional form; to know our multidimensionality as it truly exists in all its states of manifest form.

As individualized sparks of the ONE manifest in physical human form in this current timeframe reality on Earth our ability to see and experience the Greater Reality is limited to viewing and experiencing (it) from the earthly human perspective.

Because of the limited experience view we currently perceive the Greater Reality from, we are not able to “see”, (remember) we ARE multidimensional; always have been, always will be.                                                                               

From this view perspective we cannot “see” that this, our current reality as individualized sparks of the ONE manifest in physical human form on Earth is but one aspect of multidimensionality. We cannot “see” (access and operate as) that within our greater multidimensional self this portion, this aspect, is every bit a part of, and important to, our full multidimensional self as is any other.

We have forgotten that being here is not punishment generated from some perceived wrong choice made. This is an experience perspective we freely chose to be a part of for the benefit of, and the expanding of, the consciousness of the ONE. Indeed, we have forgotten the ONE is ever expanding. We tend to think of the ONE as having completed its consciousness expansion process, when this is simply not true. The expansion of consciousness is infinite, even for the ONE.

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