Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

I originally transcribed the crux of this message in March of 2016. I decided then was not the time to share it because the energy blanketing the planet and the Collective was so divisive and combative, (and growing exponentially), I was concerned the message would be lost, or even worse, add to those low frequency energies.

Although the Collective is still dealing with this divisive and combative energy, it does seem to have slowed in escalating and settled into a level that is beginning to be worked with that has the potential for healing and releasing many issues the Collective must face and resolve.

With that stated, I now share this article.


Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

The belief and energy of a “Lightworker” as a “Spiritual Warrior” participating in a “Spiritual Battle” between the forces of Light and Dark does nothing but perpetuate and feed energy to maintaining War, Battle, Conflict, Struggle and Separation. It does nothing to stop the struggle and conflict that rages and continues to grow in your Collective Reality; not in the energetic Spiritual realms and not in the Physical realms of Matter.

When you understand that everything in the physical realms has its energy genesis originating in the realms of Spirit, then moves into, and through, the mental and emotional energy realms where it is fed until it is sufficiently cohesive enough to manifest into the physical realms of matter, you come to understand that a “Spiritual Warrior” doing “Spiritual Battle” only feeds and maintains what it is they say they are battling.

For a “Spiritual Warrior” to engage in “Spiritual Battle” there must be an opposing force, a nemesis, to do battle with. To engage in Spiritual Battle with a perceived enemy is to constantly create that enemy.

So “Lightworker”, We really know of no other way to say this.

If you are still perceiving of yourself as a “Spiritual Warrior” and holding an attitude and belief of the necessity of participating in “Spiritual Battle” or “Spiritual Warfare” against a perceived enemy, you are only creating energy that feeds that which you say you are battling and perpetuates the battles you are fighting. And, you are participating in creating the energy that feeds those who are fighting physical wars and controlling and harming others.

In all the history of your planet, indeed in all the history of this Universe, Peace has not ever been created through warfare. It is simply not energetically possible.

Now, this does not mean you should not stand in your power, or should not stand united against the warring actions of those who cause suffering, pain and destruction on your planet; but if you truly want to contribute to the healing necessary to create a world of Peace you will have to “lay down your weapons”; including your weapons of energy.

Some in your Collective reality would say that to even contemplate the ideas we present here is naive and idealistic; that reality cannot be created, controlled or changed with the use of energy and intent. To them we say to this…

“You easily, and without question, accept the “recent discoveries” of your mainstream sciences. In the Quantum Fields of your mainstream sciences you are being shown that this is exactly how your reality is created.

The Quantum Sciences of your reality are beginning to see, and prove, what Ancient Spiritual Mystics have stated throughout your entire human history. That your reality is an illusion created by (your) thought and intent, projected into physical form by your strong belief in the illusion, and held in a state of dense physical matter by your emotional attachment to what you believe to be truth.

Your mainstream Quantum Sciences have shown you that what is considered the building blocks of matter, the atom, is 99.99% empty space. They have shown you, through scientific experimentation, that the Observer Affects the Observed. Meaning that by merely watching, (looking at), what you perceive as reality, you have an effect on what reality is, even if you aren’t consciously “intending” to create any specific outcome. And the Collective reality, the reality all humans share, is the result of the weaving together of the thoughts, intentions, beliefs and emotional attachments to these by 7+ Billion humans.”

To create the change in the Collective Reality you say you seek, the first two steps are the most important.

First you must learn the secrets of working with energy. You must reawaken to, and remember, your abilities of Creation.

Then, secondly, you must come together and stand united in the work of healing what causes the pain, suffering, separation and destruction created by those factions of your Collective Consciousness that continue existing in the energies of separation.

You cannot create a reality of Unity and Peace by trying to defeat, and do away with, a part of your Collective. You cannot destroy a part of your Complete Self and ever expect to be Whole and Healed.

Your Collective Reality has become extremely set in an energy of separation; a mindset of “us and them”.

Your Collective Consciousness has become so deeply entrenched in this separation energy that even those who are here to play the parts of physically protecting the side of Light are becoming confused as to what is right and wrong and at times are now abusing their power and harming those they are meant to serve & protect.

Your Collective Consciousness has moved so far into the “War” mindset and existed there for such an extended period of linear time, it will take some time to extricate its self from it.

But, someone must be the one to (re)start the true healing process. That is the original meaning and intended work of what it means to be a “Lightworker”.

Unfortunately, the original meaning and intent of the true work of a “Lightworker” has become ensnared in a web of clouded confusion; covered over by the dense energies you have had to travel through just to exist as Spirit manifest in physical matter’s form within your current Collective Reality on Earth.

Yet, even though all this, the original meaning and intent of the true work of a “Lightworker” has survived at the core of every individual who volunteered to “Be Here Now”, in order to assist in attaining the level of Collective Consciousness Expansion necessary to take your Reality to its next stage of Spiritual Reawakening and Growth.

We remind you… despite how it may appear on the surface of your reality, growth and forward movement in the Collective Consciousness Expansion journey of your reality IS occurring. Change and an era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge are manifesting.

In this “Light”, we offer the following statement of encouragement to use as a mantra, a constant reminder, of what was originally meant and intended to be the true work you came into this reality to do…

“A Lightworker works WITH light, not AGAINST Darkness.”


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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