Awakening Metatronic Consciousness Radio: Ego & the Group Collective Conscious Mind

“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”
“Ego & the Group Collective Conscious Mind”
Program Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Program Time: 9pm CDT
Season 1, Episode 2
What do Ego, Group Collective Conscious Minds, an Asteroid, a Comet and New Frequencies have in common?

I have mentioned before that we have entered an Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge, and in doing so we are seeing New Frequencies anchoring into Earth’s Energy Field and affecting our Reality.

On tonight’s program we are going to look at a couple of the most recent frequencies and what they are assisting with, as well as discuss exactly what a Group Collective Conscious Mind is, how we create them, and how we work with them.

Join us, Essence Ka tha’ras and Kyra Meerna, on tonight’s program where we will be discussing these topics.

Listen by calling in at.. (657)382-0225 and add to our discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions.
Or listen on your computer, tablet or other devices by using this link.

See you tonight!


When Worlds Separate


When Worlds Separate

You’re probably familiar with the saying, “When worlds Collide”, if from nothing else, form the old 1950’s movie. And from the statement alone you can imagine what all it infers can happen.

But, have you ever given much thought to what happens “When Worlds Separate”?

For many years now, in the current “New Age” Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion belief system, the terms “Old Earth” and “New Earth” have been used to talk about this concept of “Worlds Separating”. But what does that really mean?

When the term “New Earth” first came on the scene in this belief system most people took it to mean the actual creation of a second physical planet of Earth that would somehow (almost) instantaneously be birthed from out of “Old Earth”.

Somehow in the “New Earth” birthing process, Earth would simply self-replicate and a second planet would pull its self into physical manifest form into a space that exists, either just beside “Old Earth”, or in the same space at a different frequency level. A sort of planetary scale reverse osmosis process that would leave the old dense Earth with all its existing problems in tact for those to live on who weren’t vibrationally ready to live on the less vibrationally dense “New Earth” planet. The belief was they could come to “New Earth” once they had met the minimum frequency requirements for existing there.

“New Earth” would look and operate just like “Old Earth” except it would be much less dense in frequency and only those humans who had “reached a frequency level” of unconditional love and could live in peace would be able to live there. They would even instantaneously be transported and manifest in physical form onto “New Earth” when it was birthed, (albeit in a less physically dense form, just like “New Earth” its self). “New Earth” would, for all intents and purposes, be Nirvana, or Utopia, Heaven, etc. whatever you prefer. Does this sound like an updated version of the biblical story of “The Rapture” told with different terminology to you?

Is this going to happen? I can’t say for sure. I guess time will tell. But I can share with you what I think is a much more likely explanation for the “Old Earth/New Earth” concept.

A Bit of History on this Concept

The “New Earth” concept first came into this “New Age” belief system about thirty years ago, back in the late 1980’s, early 1990’s.

Anyone who was on this Spiritual Awakening Consciousness Expansion path back then can tell you how much has changed since then.

Back then, most everyone was stepping up on to this path from a Christian/Biblical path. Even if they hadn’t personally been raised in a strict patriarchal religious belief system they had grown up in a society and culture that was deeply entrenched in one and those beliefs were deeply engrained into their psyche.

Many were born in a time where they experienced, either directly or indirectly, the energies of the “Hippy Counterculture Revolution”. This was a time when many Ancient Eastern Cultural concepts were being introduced into the Western Cultural Mindset. These concepts, stories and beliefs were totally new and foreign to the western mind.

As mind expanding as these new concepts were to the western mind, they were still being processed through filters of patriarchal religious beliefs. And let’s just be honest here, even some, (if not most), of the Eastern Cultural Religious Belief Systems are as patriarchal as the Western Cultural religions are. Don’t believe me? Go do a bit of study and research for yourself. And don’t forget to research how women are still treated in many of these societies even to this day.

So, what happened is… because these “new concepts” were trying to be understood by people whose minds and thought processes were deeply entrenched in western cultural subconscious mindsets and dogmatic patriarchal religions there was “dogma bleed over” in the subconscious interpretations.

This wasn’t intentional, and it wasn’t malicious. It was simply people doing the best they could at understanding something so vastly different from what they knew. They were simply understanding from the level of consciousness held at that time. As Kryon (Lee Carroll) is fond of saying… “You can’t know what you don’t know, and you don’t know what you can’t know.”

My point is this. The “Spiritual Awakening Consciousness Expansion” process we are in here on Earth is a journey. It’s a journey to expand our Collective Consciousness; and we’ve come a long way in the last 30 to 50 years. A lot has changed. This includes how we interpret and understand concepts and ideas, especially those related to religion and spirituality.

So, let’s look at this “Old Earth/New Earth” concept and story from a bit different perspective. One that is more in line with the level of consciousness the Collective holds now; a perspective greatly expanded from what it was even just thirty years ago.

Truth is, it’s all about consciousness. Physical reality is an illusion. An illusion we create, hold in place and experience with and through consciousness, (quantum science). What is it René Descartes said? “Cogito, ergo sum.” I think, therefore I am.”


“New Earth” is a state of consciousness. It is a perspective held that allows one to not become entangled in the illusion of division constantly being shown and perpetuated through sources of mass consciousness control. It is the ability to behold the Vision of Earth and Humanity’s Planetary Future existing in the Full Cloak of our Divinity.”


If you’re involved in today’s “New Age” belief system you’re probably familiar with the words and terms “mainstream/mainstream society” and “awakened/spiritually awakened” to define what and how people believe; especially, but not exclusive to, their spiritual beliefs.

Very simply stated, “mainstream” defines world societal norms, and people who adhere to those beliefs in how this world and reality operates, and “awakened” defines the “New Age” counterculture belief system and people who adhere to those beliefs in how this world and reality operates.

In our “New Age” belief system we use words like consciousness, energy, frequency and vibration to talk about and define how our world and reality is created and operates. In “Mainstream” they use words and terms like “God, Devil, God’s Will, Sin and Redemption to talk about and define how our world and reality is created and operates.

Believe it or not, when it gets right down to the bottom line, people on both sides of this coin are really talking about the same thing. They’re just using different terminology.

But… there is a big difference between these different sets of terms and what they create energetically, and it’s found in the details of their subconsciously implied meanings.

One of the biggest differences is the level of responsibility a person is willing to take on for the world and reality they live in; their individual reality and our Collective reality.

In the “New Age” belief system the responsibility for the creation of the reality we live in (both individually and collectively) is equally shared by every human. And here I’m talking about the energetic creation of reality; it’s an inside job. WE Create Reality. It’s OUR Responsibility. (that quantum science again).

In the “Mainstream” belief system, reality is created by an outside force, “God”, and humans have no say in the reality they live in, no responsibility in its creation. They are simply at the mercy of the whims of some outside force of consciousness and all they can do to try and make sure their life is good is placate this consciousness they define as “God”, so it sends no wrathful destruction their way.


I have shared all this information for a couple of reasons.

The first is to explain why, as of late especially, so many people in the “New Age” belief system are finding it more and more difficult and uncomfortable to interact in “Mainstream” society and with people who adhere to that belief system.

To us, “Mainstream” is indeed a strange world.

In our “New Age” belief system, we talk about “raising frequency” all the time. Well, what that actually means is “expanding our consciousness”. And what that means is, coming to see, understand and accept that what humans call “reality” is SO MUCH MORE than what we were taught it meant in the mainstream belief system and world we were born into.

Like I mentioned earlier, we have come a long way in the last 30 to 50 years. We’ve raised our frequency a lot; and now, because of this, we’re entering an “Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge”.

Because of this we are standing on the precipice of a point in Cosmic Time and Space were a stage of massive exponential growth is starting, and it’s because of this that so many in this belief system are finding it extremely difficult and uncomfortable in interacting in mainstream society.

To us, the world of “Mainstream” has indeed become a very bizarre and strange world; and honestly, that level of bizarre is only going to become stronger as we move through the next several decades, the next couple of decades especially.

This is the result of the growing number of people on the planet now awakening, which is expediting the raising of the frequency level… the Collective’s Consciousness is Expanding at an unprecedented rate. We are experiencing Cosmic Growth Pangs as humanity’s consciousness expands, as we open to Multidimensionality and begin taking on Galactic level responsibilities, all at the same time.

From an energetic and vibrational perspective here is what is happening that’s causing the increased levels of discomfort in interacting with “Mainstream” for so many.

As our world raises frequency the vibrational frequency distance between the two worlds/realities increases. (Note: the “Mainstream World’s” frequency is increasing also, but the rate of increase in comparison to the rate in our world/reality is much less. It is this unbalanced growth rate ratio between the two that is causing the issues being experienced.)

As the frequency distance between the two worlds increases the ability to interact (emotionally, rationally and to some extent physically) decreases.

We have hit a span of frequency distance between these two worlds where the harmonic resonance between the two has become discordant.

This discordant harmonic resonance can, and very often does, cause frustration and confusion for those in our world, and cognitive dissonance (in all areas) increases in those people existing in the mainstream world, especially when and where interaction with our world is required. Note: you need to understand this is a two-way street. It’s as difficult and uncomfortable for those existing in mainstream reality to interact with us and our world as it is for us to interact with them and their world.

So, now that you know the where, why and how of the causes creating the increasing difficulties and discomfort you’ve been feeling in interacting with the mainstream world is coming from, let’s talk a bit about the “What” can be done about it.

This brings me to the second point I wanted to make with sharing all that “Old Earth/New Earth” information.

The second point is related to information I recently shared in a couple of other articles directly related to what we’ve been talking about here.

In a recent article entitled “Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge” I talked about the fact that…

“having just entered into the ‘Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge’ we are experiencing a huge influx of “New Knowledge” pouring onto the planet in the form of New Knowledge Information Encoded Glyphs.”

I shared that, “The amount of information contained in a single Glyph is massive. Way too much information for the human mind to comprehend at a conscious level, and/or try to share through spoken or written language.”

As these New Knowledge Information Encoded Glyphs slowly begin releasing some of the information contained within them, (and they have started) many individual Starseeds who are here doing the work of being Trailblazers and Wayshowers are starting to receive, (subconsciously at first for most) information, “New Knowledge”, that is not in agreement with beliefs they have long held about how reality is created and operates. They are being subconsciously prompted to expand their belief perspectives.

This is causing many to start questioning what they have held as truth up until now. They are being subconsciously prompted to take a very close look at their long-held beliefs and review them, and in some cases even let go of some. This can be difficult for some people because as humans we get very attached to our beliefs.

In a recent article entitled, “2018 Lion’s Gate, Dragon’s Gate: Metatronic Frequency Report” I shared the following…

We are starting the work of becoming multidimensional in a much more physically concrete fashion. As a Collective, we have completed a growth phase both on the physical and spiritual levels, and are now set to begin, in earnest, (and are actually already beginning) a new phase of growth, both in our physical form and in our spiritual growth and consciousness expansion.

A very significant “Veil”, one that has been keeping us from “seeing clearly”, is now being lifted.

As a Collective we’re at a point where we have one foot on either side of this Veil… but as Starseeds who came here to be Wayshowers and Trailblazers, many individuals are stepping through this Veil at this time and trying to find firm footing, so they can stand with both feet securely planted in the New Reality the Collective is headed for. This means, New Sacred Contractual Work for many is beginning. It means stepping up, way up, in the level of responsibility we take on for the creation of our collective reality.

It also means letting go of many beliefs, that although they have brought us to where we are and therefore served their purpose, are now either no longer relevant or at least need to be recalibrated and reactivated to resonate in the higher frequencies so we can operate properly in the Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge. It is time to expand our consciousness exponentially and take that giant leap.

We are Becoming Awakened Conscious Galactic Multidimensional Beings in Human Form Incarnate on Earth Consciously Co-Creating Realities… not just our Collective Reality on Earth, but our Galactic Collective Reality as well. We are now stepping into a level of responsibility where we must not only think about Earth and Humanity, we now have to begin thinking about how Earth and Humanity’s reality is affecting Galactic Realities we are connected to. This work just got a whole lot more serious!”

So… What to Do? What to Do?

Here I am going to speak bluntly; some Merlinesque energy I guess you could say. (Merlin is known as a strict Task Master)


You ask, “What can I do? What needs to be done so I don’t feel so lost and overwhelmed at this time?”

Several things actually; but first and foremost a perspective change is required. Especially a perspective change about high frequency energies coming to Earth at this time and how they can affect you.

First thing is, you need to stop thinking these new high frequencies are so intense you can’t deal with them effectively. This is simply not true. It’s only this way in the old paradigm energy fields; but if you’ve been doing your work on self there is no reason these higher frequencies should be adversely affecting you.

Perspectives need to be recalibrated and reactivated so you no longer are adversely affected. These high frequencies coming onto the planet are only going to keep raising in frequency, as well as new ones making their way here is going to begin increasing. By “new” I mean frequencies we’ve not every experienced before in this current reality. As an example, we’ve had 5 New Frequencies beaming to Earth for the first time since just the end of June 2018. (This is only mid-August!)

These New High Frequencies are “Energy Gifts” being sent our way to make this work we are here doing easier for us, not more difficult. To use them properly only requires a simple perspective change. I know that sounds too easy, but it’s true. Remember… WE are Creating this Reality!!!

Changing your perspective so you’re longer adversely affected by New Higher Frequencies is Step 1 in taking on more responsibility for your part in this work currently transpiring on Earth. And this work, this level of responsibility, is what we came here to do.

Secondly, many of you have now completed the Sacred Contractual Work you initially came onto this planet to do. Those Starseed Contracts you came in with are now stamped Completed & Finalized.

Many of you are now ready to take on New Sacred Contracts and begin the next phase of your work on Earth. This is a big jump up from what you have been doing up to this point. You can see this as a sort of job promotion if you like. But… before you can sign on the line to accept this New Sacred Contract and Work you will have to go through a training period in order to be ready to do this new work. Many things will have to be let go of, and many more will have to be restructured to fit with “What is Soon to Come” for you and your life.

If you are desirous of moving into a New Sacred Contract another thing that is a MUST to be released at this point, is that of Unbalanced Ego and Drama. They simply HAVE to be released from your life. These things will stop you in your tracks in the work in this energy field of the Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge.

Once again, letting go of the energy of Drama is not as difficult at you might think. As human we all have daily occurrences that are annoying, uncomfortable and things we would simply prefer not to have to deal with; but truth is… they are going to be there. It’s part of being human. These “situations”, these human experiences, only become “Drama filled problems” when we react in a way that creates the energy of Drama. So, learn how to not add the energy of Drama to incidents that arise and just deal with them. As they say in Jamaica… “It’s not a problem, it’s just a situation.”

And by the way, when you stop adding the energy of Drama to daily situations, the number of situations that are annoying, uncomfortable and things you would simply prefer not to have to deal with decreases. Funny how that works!

The releasing of the energy of Drama in your life will automatically assist in beginning the rebalancing of Ego. One of the biggest culprits in causing Ego becoming unbalanced is the “need to be right” at all times in all situations. The energy of Drama, when constantly fed, creates these situations. That proverbial vicious cycle thing.

You will need to be ruthlessly honest with yourself to completely release these things from your life, but if you’re serious about this work it will not be as difficult as you might imagine it to be. And… it will be a huge relief when your life begins to change, and you start moving into a more carefree and less stressful life.

I’m going to end this here, but if you want to hear more and/or share your thoughts and experiences with the things we have been talking about here, join Kyra and I, Essence Ka tha’ras, on “Awakening Metatronic Consciousness” on Blog Talk Radio on September 11th, 2018 at 9pm Central time.

You can use this link to listen to our last program.

“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”

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In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator


© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

I originally transcribed the crux of this message in March of 2016. I decided then was not the time to share it because the energy blanketing the planet and the Collective was so divisive and combative, (and growing exponentially), I was concerned the message would be lost, or even worse, add to those low frequency energies.

Although the Collective is still dealing with this divisive and combative energy, it does seem to have slowed in escalating and settled into a level that is beginning to be worked with that has the potential for healing and releasing many issues the Collective must face and resolve.

With that stated, I now share this article.


Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

The belief and energy of a “Lightworker” as a “Spiritual Warrior” participating in a “Spiritual Battle” between the forces of Light and Dark does nothing but perpetuate and feed energy to maintaining War, Battle, Conflict, Struggle and Separation. It does nothing to stop the struggle and conflict that rages and continues to grow in your Collective Reality; not in the energetic Spiritual realms and not in the Physical realms of Matter.

When you understand that everything in the physical realms has its energy genesis originating in the realms of Spirit, then moves into, and through, the mental and emotional energy realms where it is fed until it is sufficiently cohesive enough to manifest into the physical realms of matter, you come to understand that a “Spiritual Warrior” doing “Spiritual Battle” only feeds and maintains what it is they say they are battling.

For a “Spiritual Warrior” to engage in “Spiritual Battle” there must be an opposing force, a nemesis, to do battle with. To engage in Spiritual Battle with a perceived enemy is to constantly create that enemy.

So “Lightworker”, We really know of no other way to say this.

If you are still perceiving of yourself as a “Spiritual Warrior” and holding an attitude and belief of the necessity of participating in “Spiritual Battle” or “Spiritual Warfare” against a perceived enemy, you are only creating energy that feeds that which you say you are battling and perpetuates the battles you are fighting. And, you are participating in creating the energy that feeds those who are fighting physical wars and controlling and harming others.

In all the history of your planet, indeed in all the history of this Universe, Peace has not ever been created through warfare. It is simply not energetically possible.

Now, this does not mean you should not stand in your power, or should not stand united against the warring actions of those who cause suffering, pain and destruction on your planet; but if you truly want to contribute to the healing necessary to create a world of Peace you will have to “lay down your weapons”; including your weapons of energy.

Some in your Collective reality would say that to even contemplate the ideas we present here is naive and idealistic; that reality cannot be created, controlled or changed with the use of energy and intent. To them we say to this…

“You easily, and without question, accept the “recent discoveries” of your mainstream sciences. In the Quantum Fields of your mainstream sciences you are being shown that this is exactly how your reality is created.

The Quantum Sciences of your reality are beginning to see, and prove, what Ancient Spiritual Mystics have stated throughout your entire human history. That your reality is an illusion created by (your) thought and intent, projected into physical form by your strong belief in the illusion, and held in a state of dense physical matter by your emotional attachment to what you believe to be truth.

Your mainstream Quantum Sciences have shown you that what is considered the building blocks of matter, the atom, is 99.99% empty space. They have shown you, through scientific experimentation, that the Observer Affects the Observed. Meaning that by merely watching, (looking at), what you perceive as reality, you have an effect on what reality is, even if you aren’t consciously “intending” to create any specific outcome. And the Collective reality, the reality all humans share, is the result of the weaving together of the thoughts, intentions, beliefs and emotional attachments to these by 7+ Billion humans.”

To create the change in the Collective Reality you say you seek, the first two steps are the most important.

First you must learn the secrets of working with energy. You must reawaken to, and remember, your abilities of Creation.

Then, secondly, you must come together and stand united in the work of healing what causes the pain, suffering, separation and destruction created by those factions of your Collective Consciousness that continue existing in the energies of separation.

You cannot create a reality of Unity and Peace by trying to defeat, and do away with, a part of your Collective. You cannot destroy a part of your Complete Self and ever expect to be Whole and Healed.

Your Collective Reality has become extremely set in an energy of separation; a mindset of “us and them”.

Your Collective Consciousness has become so deeply entrenched in this separation energy that even those who are here to play the parts of physically protecting the side of Light are becoming confused as to what is right and wrong and at times are now abusing their power and harming those they are meant to serve & protect.

Your Collective Consciousness has moved so far into the “War” mindset and existed there for such an extended period of linear time, it will take some time to extricate its self from it.

But, someone must be the one to (re)start the true healing process. That is the original meaning and intended work of what it means to be a “Lightworker”.

Unfortunately, the original meaning and intent of the true work of a “Lightworker” has become ensnared in a web of clouded confusion; covered over by the dense energies you have had to travel through just to exist as Spirit manifest in physical matter’s form within your current Collective Reality on Earth.

Yet, even though all this, the original meaning and intent of the true work of a “Lightworker” has survived at the core of every individual who volunteered to “Be Here Now”, in order to assist in attaining the level of Collective Consciousness Expansion necessary to take your Reality to its next stage of Spiritual Reawakening and Growth.

We remind you… despite how it may appear on the surface of your reality, growth and forward movement in the Collective Consciousness Expansion journey of your reality IS occurring. Change and an era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge are manifesting.

In this “Light”, we offer the following statement of encouragement to use as a mantra, a constant reminder, of what was originally meant and intended to be the true work you came into this reality to do…

“A Lightworker works WITH light, not AGAINST Darkness.”


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Flowing With Spirit: Nothing is Random & Buddha Perched High Up in a Tree

Flowing with Spirit

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 Program

Nothing is Random: Why was Buddha Perched High Up in a Tree?


Please join Co-hosts, Essence Ka tha’ras and Kyra Meerna, along with program producer, Katsura Balanza, on this month’s “Flowing with Spirit” Blog Talk Radio program.

Join us on this month’s program when we will be discussing, what on the surface appears to be unrelated topics, but upon further examination we see are truly connected.

Topics such as…

Nothing is Random…. Balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies…. Seeing beyond the absurdity of our reality; and does this current level of absurdity thriving in our reality serve a purpose? New Knowledge coming into our reality, New Beginnings and Moving into New Sacred Contractual Work for many.

And last but not least, we will answer the question, “Why was Buddha Perched High Up In a Tree?”

Please join us Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 @ 7:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Central time as we discuss and share our perspective on these topics.

As always, we welcome you to call in at 516-387-1874 and add to our discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions.

Use this link to listen live or to the archived program.

Flowing with Spirit: Nothing is Random & Why was Buddha Perched High Up in a Tree?

“Flowing with Spirit” is a proud member of the Muse Broadcast monthly lineup.

Connect with Essence Ka tha’ras

FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher


Metatronic Numerology: 1144-1147-1155

Metatronic Numerology: 1144-1147-1155

I recently shared this status update on Facebook.

Someone asked me if I was being sarcastic.

I decided to share my response to a wider audience in the hopes of being of some assistance to others in their Spiritual Awakening Journey.

Here is my answer.

No, I was not being sarcastic, but I can see why you might think that.

I AM a Master Metatronic Numerologist, and as such one of the main forms of communication in which Spirit speaks to me is through numbers, and number combinations and sequences.

What is Metatronic Numerology?

Metatronic Numerology is an Advanced form of the Sacred Art of Multi-dimensional Numerology from our Ancient Future.

This form of Sacred Numerology is something we once utilized, but lost access to as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity descended ever deeper into the lower frequency realms of physical manifest form.

Having been held in safe keeping in the Sacred Ancient/Future City of Light of Shambahalla it is now being gifted back to humanity once again.

Having worked with Metatronic Numerology in many other lifetimes and dimensional realities, I have once again been gifted with this knowledge by my Spiritual Guides, whom I lovingly refer to as the Q4, in order to bring this knowledge back at this time in the Collective’s Spiritual Awakening process.


Going back to the message encoded in the 1144-1147-1155 number sequence.

The main information message is associated with the number 1144, or as I read and understand it, the 11/44 Dual Frequency.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 11/44 Dual Frequency is…

I AM Structured Metamorphosis Created through Revelation of Thought, when Thought is Illuminated through Spiritual Truth

The 11/44 Dual frequency combination brings energy to assist in creating big change, not so much for our individual self, but change in the Collective Consciousness of humanity as a whole.

This frequency speaks of the Initial Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness as the Individual Consciousness it exists as. This is a very powerful energy that has been being gifting to our planet for the last 3 to 4 years and has been growing in strength.

The 11/44 Dual Frequency brings us the frequency energy needed to create “Structured Metamorphosis” of our Collective Reality.

Structured Metamorphosis means we consciously bring about change by using every form of Sacred Technology we have at our disposal. Sacred Technologies including Sacred Geometry, Energy Work, Sound Work, Grid Work, etc. But the key is to use them from a place of full understanding of how they work together in creating reality.

To create reality in this way we have to be able to do so from a place of Spiritual Truth understood through a clear and Spiritually Intelligent Mind and a Pure Heart.

The 11/44 Dual frequency combination supports the further Awakening of the “Group Collective Conscious Mind” and all that can be achieved when individuals come together and collaborate, and work hand-in-hand in a conscious fashion.

When two or more individuals come together in the fashion I am speaking of when I use the term “Group Collective Conscious Mind”, a third Individual Consciousness is Created and Given Birth to that is capable of Creating in a way separate Individuals are not.

This is the proverbial…

The Whole Is Always Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

The 11/44 Dual frequency energy assists in the further awakening of the portion of our Collective Consciousness that is still Spiritually Unawakened; but interestingly enough, its main focus is the ruling bodies and/or Structured Power portions of the Collective Consciousness.

In other words, it assists in the Awakening of the ruling governmental systems of our world in order to create and expedite the change necessary for a Metamorphosis to occur that will take us into a New World of Peace and Equality.

This is about the whole of the Collective Consciousness waking up enough to effect how we live upon this planet in a Peaceful and equally beneficial way for every country and every person.

The 1147

Stated very simply, the 1147 is an expanded “11:11” encoded message. Its message is, is that it is time, (and necessary), for those of us who have undergone an Initial Spiritual Awakening to step up, and come together in a conscious manner and get busy doing the work needed to create the required changes in our reality that will allow us to move deeper into the next “Golden Age Cycle” Earth and humanity are currently standing on the precipice of.

The 1155

Even more simply stated, the 1155 is a numerical code that tells us we are being assisted with frequencies that will help anchor this work into our Collective Reality.

So, you see, the message to me was very clear.
IN-Joy I Share


Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras


FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher

Instagram: Essence Ka tha’ras

Twitter: Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….


Akashic Answers with Essence Ka tha’ras

Akashic Answers with Essence Ka tha’ras

DATE: 9/10/17


I have a friend who tells me she remembers Lemuria sinking below the waves, but I thought it was Atlantis that sunk, not Lemuria. Could you please address this question?


Akashic Answer from Essence Ka tha’ras

There are conflicting stories told about this, but the short answer is it is possible some “humans” experienced what your friend remembers with Lemuria.

Remember, I have shared before that there were 3 Kingdoms of Lemuria and 3 Kingdoms of Atlantis, and the end of the 3rd Kingdom of Lemuria overlapped the beginning of the 1st Kingdom of Atlantis.

Continental Drift figures into all this, as does frequency and physical density.

Atlantis sank: aka: The Fall of Atlantis or The Final Destruction of Atlantis. It is said Atlantis sank approximately 11,000 to 13,000 years ago. Every ancient culture has a flood story said to have happened around this point in linear time.

Lemuria was said to have existed during the last era when there was one super continent known as Pangaea.

Pangaea or Pangea was said to be a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras of Earth. Pangaea assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. Note: Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. Just for reference.

So, you can see there is a large linear Earthly time span between the Lemurian and Atlantian Civilizations. But remember, “Time” flowed differently then. “Time” flows alter with physical density. “Time” flows slower the denser physical reality becomes. That is why so many talk about how “Time” is speeding up as we as a Collective raise our physical reality frequency.

Atlantis is said to have existed as a continent somewhere in what we now refer to as the Atlantic Ocean; a remnant of Pangaea.

Simply stated… It is said… Atlantis was created by the last of the Lemurians as that civilization was nearing its end. Ancient Egypt, and other ancient cultures around the planet, were created by the survivors of Atlantis; those that fled the destruction and found refuge on other continents.

Lemuria, and physicality then (density), was very different than Atlantis, especially the 1st and 2nd Kingdoms of Lemuria.

It was during the 3rd kingdom of Lemuria that physical density began getting stronger, and through the 3 Kingdoms of Atlantis became ever denser until by the beginning of the 3rd Kingdom of Atlantis physical density became something much more like what we know as “physical” now.

As Sacred Knowledge was taken from Lemuria to Atlantis, and then from Atlantis to Egypt and other ancient civilizations started by the last of the Atlantian survivors, much of it was lost and became distorted. Remember, much linear time passed and the physical realms kept getting denser and denser. This is very much related to what we are experiencing now in working on remembering more about lost and distorted Sacred Knowledge.

Memories of all this are still very blurry for the Collective, so it is not uncommon that knowledge from Lemuria and Atlantis becomes entangled and blurred, even in individual’s past life recall.

It is said that Hawaii, the Fiji Islands and other islands in that vicinity are the physical remnants of what is left of Lemuria.


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IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

 Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator


 © 2017  Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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Divine Messages from Spirit via Charlottesville, VA

Notice: This article is NOT about division. It is NOT about blaming or taking sides. This article IS about the message from Spirit giving us information that will further assist us in changing our perspective so we can efficiently work at creating a World of Peace.


Greetings Spirit Family,

Before I go any further I would like to take a moment to first, share my personal sympathies with the family and friends of those injured and killed in the events that took place in Charolettesville, VA on August 12, 2017.

Next, I would like to state that sharing information on specific events of a nature such as this are not in the normal realm of what I consider my Sacred Contractual Work. Yet, for some (initial) unknown reason, this particular event of violence affected my personally in a way other events like it have not.

Was this event of violence, hatred, division and destruction worse than many others that have transpired in our world? No.

Yet, I found myself unable to not be affected differently by this one. What that told me was there was something about this particular event I was supposed to see and understand. Something that made it stand out as important to what is currently transpiring in the Spiritual Realms as they pertain to our physical world.

Without going into a long drawn out detailed explanation as to what I have been shown by my Higher Self and Spiritual Guides, I will share with you that this event is directly related to encoded information and frequencies brought into our reality via the Lion’s Gate and Dragon’s Gate Portals that fully opened on August 8th, 2017, to the Total Solar Eclipse that will transpire on August 21st, 2017, and to the work of creating Peace on Earth so many of us are focused on.

With that shared I now share information derived from the use of Metatronic Numerology surrounding this devastating event.


By now you may have already seen the license plate of the person who drove the car into the crowd of protestors, killing one and injuring 19. All of the following information was encoded into the sequence of letters and numbers on that license plate.

As hard as it is for us to accept, we must remember, no one ever said this journey into a New Era & Reality of Peace was going to be easy. So, don’t give up!


The license plate read…. GVF-1111

Most people who follow the current Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion belief system, often referred to as “New Age”, are familiar with the 1111; or the 11:11 Encoded Frequency.

Here is what I have to share about that frequency. Yet to me, the other information encoded into that sequence of letters and numbers holds far more importance. That information can be found shared here also.

11:11 Encoded Frequency

Most Spiritual Awakened people are familiar with the 11-11 Frequency Encoded “Wake-Up” call we as a Collective Consciousness set into place before descending into dense reality realms.

We did this to be of assistance to us in our Collective Spiritual Re-Awakening. Basically, this is an alarm clock we set before we descended into the denser realms of matter.

Keep in mind those who still slumber spiritually are seeing the 11:11 as it was originally created and intended to work; a Cosmic Wake-up Call. But for those of us who have spiritually awakened, our work with this encoded frequency has changed.

If you are a regular reader of the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports, you will most likely remember that I have shared what the Q4 stated about this 11:11 Encoded Alarm Clock.

They told us that the 11:11 Frequency Portal of the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality, that began with the shift in the Collective Consciousness into the 5th Dimensional Frequency that transpired with our movement through the 12/21/12 Portal, now stands continuously open, and we, the Spiritually Awakened, no longer need to put time and energy into raising frequency to enable it to remain open because we have accomplished that.

What this means is that movement through this portal is now available at all times to everyone, and there is an Ease of Access that was not there before.

The changes this is making in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality are that we are beginning to see, and will continue to see, an acceleration of Spiritual Awakening by those who still slumber; and the reality of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity existing on Gaia will flow and shift more rapidly into a fuller Spiritually Awakened state.

It also means our work with the 11:11 Encoded Wake-Up Frequency has changed slightly.

Now our work, especially during time frames when the 11:11 Frequency Encoded days are occurring, is to focus our energy and intentions on being of assistance to the lessening of the accumulative amount of highly negatively charged emotions surrounding the planet, (within Gaia’s Auric Field), and how they hinder the Spiritually Slumbering Masses in Initial Awakening. Us doing this work is especially important to be of assistance for those who are beginning to react to the subconscious promptings of their own Spiritual Awakening.

We can all remember that as exciting as Initial Spiritual Awakening is, it is also a time when we often feel lost and confused as to what we should believe and think, and where we should turn in our quest for understanding about what is happening to us; so from now on these 11-11 Encoded days will come around at semi-regular intervals as reminders, and micro Power Boosters, that with the larger numbers of newly Awakening humans happening simultaneously, the planet and the Collective Consciousness will see times of overwhelming amounts of energy of fear and confusion being released. With the accumulation of this energy we need to remain focused on assisting in the energy work of Love and Light by emitting a newly upgraded 11:11 Encoded Frequency Message.

This new 11-11 Encoded message is…

“You are Waking Up… You are Safe… And You ARE on the Right Path”

This is the 11:11 Message we need to be emitting now.

As you go about your daily routine, please try to keep this message at the forefront of your thoughts and emit it as you encounter people throughout your day; especially to those you can sense and see are existing within chaotic energies.


The Other Encoded Frequency Information

In Metatronic Numerology there are what are known as “I AM keyword phrases” associated with each frequency. I will share those I AM keyword phases because they along speak to us in a way even the fuller explanation cannot.

Some of the information messages from the license plate.

V: 4 – I AM Form & Service

F: 6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

G: 7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self


1/11 Dual – I AM Independence Birthed when Truth is Illumined through the Light of Spiritual Revelation

One of the things this frequency combination helps us with is to begin learning what it means, and how be brave enough, to start standing in our own truth and power.

6/ll Dual – I Am the Illuminated Truth of Spiritual Responsibility & I Radiate this Truth for All to Behold

The 6/11 Dual frequency energy is about taking on our responsibility in caring for the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and it shows how to do it without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner we see and believe to be the most proper.

This frequency is about assisting the expansion of the Heart Chakra and the High Heart Chakra of the Collective, and about moving us into a much expanded level and frequency of Love.

This energy supports humanity in a fashion that fosters every individual to be responsible, not only for their self; which is where it must begin, but it then assists in the realization that we are indeed Our Brother’s Keeper, and by this I mean in the sense that we are ALL ONE, and because of this there is no way not to be responsible for each other.

This is Feminine Goddess energy, and it is the Mother aspect of the Goddess we are talking about here. This is the aspect that gives us life and feeds us in every manner; physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. It feeds our relationships with each other; it feeds our perceptions of the world. It feeds us daily in all we do.

This aspect of the Feminine Goddess Energy teaches by words and deeds of love how to think for our self and be responsible in our interactions with others and the world as a whole. Remember a true loving Mother does not use coercion, force, guilt, intimidation or any other type of manipulative means to bring us into an expanded expression of who we are and how to show our Love for each other.

This dual frequency combination brings us to a place where we can throw open our Heart Chakras and our High Heart Chakras and allow them to expand unto infinity; we are able to do this, throwing open, because of the level of safety we feel within this place of Unconditional Love.

This frequency says…

I shine and emit the Light of Divine Love,

and Joyously I Share this Love with all of Creation


17/8 ATKI (Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance) – This is a frequency that deals with Karmic Imbalances that belong to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity that were created in Atlantis that led to its destruction.

Collective Karmic Imbalanced energies have been being brought to the surface of our current world reality for us to deal with (as a Collective) for the last several years; the last two to three years especially. This frequency was strengthened with this year’s Dragon’s Gate Portal opening, which expanded it into dealing with Collective Karmic Imbalanced Energies that may on the surface not seem related to technology in anyway, but in fact do have a relationship to technology in ways we don’t commonly think of or yet completely understand.

For working on this 17/8 Karmic Imbalance use the 741Hz Solfeggio Frequency as a vibrational tool to assist in the work of rebalancing this particular Karmic Imbalanced energy. This is the Solfeggio Frequency of Consciousness Expansion and has an association with the Crown Chakra. You may also wish to tone the mantra “OM” or “AUM” while envisioning a clear and vibrant Violet ball of light with strands of iridescent Golden Light ribbons woven through it while doing this work.

19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance

This Karmic Imbalanced Energy is speaking to us about healing this first within our self, and at the same time about assisting in healing this in our Collective Consciousness. The following information is written as directed toward the individual, but I’m sure you can see how it also relates to the Collective as an Individualized Consciousness, as well as to what are referred to as Group Collective Conscious Minds, such as organizations, countries, etc.

These types of Karmic Imbalances most often develop when a person was involved in lifetimes where there was abuse of power and/or complete self-centeredness; where behaviors such as being blind to everyone and everything except one’s own selfish fulfillment of their individual desires for power and control was paramount.

Greed is a large part of this type of Karmic Imbalance and is strong here, and can manifest in many different ways. One of the main issues created by this imbalanced energy is a thirst for controlling others, often to the point of abusiveness; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Individual negative traits that often manifest in this life time associated with this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy can be of opposite extremes. 1: They may manifest once again in being completely consumed with self and one’s own desires, unaware of other’s needs and emotions or 2: They may manifest in behaviors of a person being very dependent on others, yet extremely unhappy with their dependent nature, and always blaming others for their lack of ability to stand on their own two feet; a “victim” energy and attitude.

For working on this 19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance you can use the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency as a vibrational tool to assist in the work of rebalancing this particular Karmic Imbalanced energy. This is the frequency of Liberation from Fear and Guilt, and there is an association with the Solar Plexus Chakra; the Power Center of our physical body and reality. This is useful because it is within the Solar Plexus Chakra where the energy of Fear and Guilt associated with this particular Karmic Imbalance is most often created and held.

May this information brought to you via this article assist you in personally dealing with such events, and assist you in your Sacred Contractual Work as is your Responsibility to creating positive change leading us into an Era of Peace.


© 2017 Essence Ka tha’ras

Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras   and please add a link back to this web-site…