Divine Messages from Spirit via Charlottesville, VA

Notice: This article is NOT about division. It is NOT about blaming or taking sides. This article IS about the message from Spirit giving us information that will further assist us in changing our perspective so we can efficiently work at creating a World of Peace.


Greetings Spirit Family,

Before I go any further I would like to take a moment to first, share my personal sympathies with the family and friends of those injured and killed in the events that took place in Charolettesville, VA on August 12, 2017.

Next, I would like to state that sharing information on specific events of a nature such as this are not in the normal realm of what I consider my Sacred Contractual Work. Yet, for some (initial) unknown reason, this particular event of violence affected my personally in a way other events like it have not.

Was this event of violence, hatred, division and destruction worse than many others that have transpired in our world? No.

Yet, I found myself unable to not be affected differently by this one. What that told me was there was something about this particular event I was supposed to see and understand. Something that made it stand out as important to what is currently transpiring in the Spiritual Realms as they pertain to our physical world.

Without going into a long drawn out detailed explanation as to what I have been shown by my Higher Self and Spiritual Guides, I will share with you that this event is directly related to encoded information and frequencies brought into our reality via the Lion’s Gate and Dragon’s Gate Portals that fully opened on August 8th, 2017, to the Total Solar Eclipse that will transpire on August 21st, 2017, and to the work of creating Peace on Earth so many of us are focused on.

With that shared I now share information derived from the use of Metatronic Numerology surrounding this devastating event.


By now you may have already seen the license plate of the person who drove the car into the crowd of protestors, killing one and injuring 19. All of the following information was encoded into the sequence of letters and numbers on that license plate.

As hard as it is for us to accept, we must remember, no one ever said this journey into a New Era & Reality of Peace was going to be easy. So, don’t give up!


The license plate read…. GVF-1111

Most people who follow the current Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion belief system, often referred to as “New Age”, are familiar with the 1111; or the 11:11 Encoded Frequency.

Here is what I have to share about that frequency. Yet to me, the other information encoded into that sequence of letters and numbers holds far more importance. That information can be found shared here also.

11:11 Encoded Frequency

Most Spiritual Awakened people are familiar with the 11-11 Frequency Encoded “Wake-Up” call we as a Collective Consciousness set into place before descending into dense reality realms.

We did this to be of assistance to us in our Collective Spiritual Re-Awakening. Basically, this is an alarm clock we set before we descended into the denser realms of matter.

Keep in mind those who still slumber spiritually are seeing the 11:11 as it was originally created and intended to work; a Cosmic Wake-up Call. But for those of us who have spiritually awakened, our work with this encoded frequency has changed.

If you are a regular reader of the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports, you will most likely remember that I have shared what the Q4 stated about this 11:11 Encoded Alarm Clock.

They told us that the 11:11 Frequency Portal of the New Mayan Calendar Round Reality, that began with the shift in the Collective Consciousness into the 5th Dimensional Frequency that transpired with our movement through the 12/21/12 Portal, now stands continuously open, and we, the Spiritually Awakened, no longer need to put time and energy into raising frequency to enable it to remain open because we have accomplished that.

What this means is that movement through this portal is now available at all times to everyone, and there is an Ease of Access that was not there before.

The changes this is making in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality are that we are beginning to see, and will continue to see, an acceleration of Spiritual Awakening by those who still slumber; and the reality of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity existing on Gaia will flow and shift more rapidly into a fuller Spiritually Awakened state.

It also means our work with the 11:11 Encoded Wake-Up Frequency has changed slightly.

Now our work, especially during time frames when the 11:11 Frequency Encoded days are occurring, is to focus our energy and intentions on being of assistance to the lessening of the accumulative amount of highly negatively charged emotions surrounding the planet, (within Gaia’s Auric Field), and how they hinder the Spiritually Slumbering Masses in Initial Awakening. Us doing this work is especially important to be of assistance for those who are beginning to react to the subconscious promptings of their own Spiritual Awakening.

We can all remember that as exciting as Initial Spiritual Awakening is, it is also a time when we often feel lost and confused as to what we should believe and think, and where we should turn in our quest for understanding about what is happening to us; so from now on these 11-11 Encoded days will come around at semi-regular intervals as reminders, and micro Power Boosters, that with the larger numbers of newly Awakening humans happening simultaneously, the planet and the Collective Consciousness will see times of overwhelming amounts of energy of fear and confusion being released. With the accumulation of this energy we need to remain focused on assisting in the energy work of Love and Light by emitting a newly upgraded 11:11 Encoded Frequency Message.

This new 11-11 Encoded message is…

“You are Waking Up… You are Safe… And You ARE on the Right Path”

This is the 11:11 Message we need to be emitting now.

As you go about your daily routine, please try to keep this message at the forefront of your thoughts and emit it as you encounter people throughout your day; especially to those you can sense and see are existing within chaotic energies.


The Other Encoded Frequency Information

In Metatronic Numerology there are what are known as “I AM keyword phrases” associated with each frequency. I will share those I AM keyword phases because they along speak to us in a way even the fuller explanation cannot.

Some of the information messages from the license plate.

V: 4 – I AM Form & Service

F: 6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

G: 7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self


1/11 Dual – I AM Independence Birthed when Truth is Illumined through the Light of Spiritual Revelation

One of the things this frequency combination helps us with is to begin learning what it means, and how be brave enough, to start standing in our own truth and power.

6/ll Dual – I Am the Illuminated Truth of Spiritual Responsibility & I Radiate this Truth for All to Behold

The 6/11 Dual frequency energy is about taking on our responsibility in caring for the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and it shows how to do it without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner we see and believe to be the most proper.

This frequency is about assisting the expansion of the Heart Chakra and the High Heart Chakra of the Collective, and about moving us into a much expanded level and frequency of Love.

This energy supports humanity in a fashion that fosters every individual to be responsible, not only for their self; which is where it must begin, but it then assists in the realization that we are indeed Our Brother’s Keeper, and by this I mean in the sense that we are ALL ONE, and because of this there is no way not to be responsible for each other.

This is Feminine Goddess energy, and it is the Mother aspect of the Goddess we are talking about here. This is the aspect that gives us life and feeds us in every manner; physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. It feeds our relationships with each other; it feeds our perceptions of the world. It feeds us daily in all we do.

This aspect of the Feminine Goddess Energy teaches by words and deeds of love how to think for our self and be responsible in our interactions with others and the world as a whole. Remember a true loving Mother does not use coercion, force, guilt, intimidation or any other type of manipulative means to bring us into an expanded expression of who we are and how to show our Love for each other.

This dual frequency combination brings us to a place where we can throw open our Heart Chakras and our High Heart Chakras and allow them to expand unto infinity; we are able to do this, throwing open, because of the level of safety we feel within this place of Unconditional Love.

This frequency says…

I shine and emit the Light of Divine Love,

and Joyously I Share this Love with all of Creation


17/8 ATKI (Atlantian Technology Karmic Imbalance) – This is a frequency that deals with Karmic Imbalances that belong to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity that were created in Atlantis that led to its destruction.

Collective Karmic Imbalanced energies have been being brought to the surface of our current world reality for us to deal with (as a Collective) for the last several years; the last two to three years especially. This frequency was strengthened with this year’s Dragon’s Gate Portal opening, which expanded it into dealing with Collective Karmic Imbalanced Energies that may on the surface not seem related to technology in anyway, but in fact do have a relationship to technology in ways we don’t commonly think of or yet completely understand.

For working on this 17/8 Karmic Imbalance use the 741Hz Solfeggio Frequency as a vibrational tool to assist in the work of rebalancing this particular Karmic Imbalanced energy. This is the Solfeggio Frequency of Consciousness Expansion and has an association with the Crown Chakra. You may also wish to tone the mantra “OM” or “AUM” while envisioning a clear and vibrant Violet ball of light with strands of iridescent Golden Light ribbons woven through it while doing this work.

19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance

This Karmic Imbalanced Energy is speaking to us about healing this first within our self, and at the same time about assisting in healing this in our Collective Consciousness. The following information is written as directed toward the individual, but I’m sure you can see how it also relates to the Collective as an Individualized Consciousness, as well as to what are referred to as Group Collective Conscious Minds, such as organizations, countries, etc.

These types of Karmic Imbalances most often develop when a person was involved in lifetimes where there was abuse of power and/or complete self-centeredness; where behaviors such as being blind to everyone and everything except one’s own selfish fulfillment of their individual desires for power and control was paramount.

Greed is a large part of this type of Karmic Imbalance and is strong here, and can manifest in many different ways. One of the main issues created by this imbalanced energy is a thirst for controlling others, often to the point of abusiveness; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Individual negative traits that often manifest in this life time associated with this type of Karmically Imbalanced Energy can be of opposite extremes. 1: They may manifest once again in being completely consumed with self and one’s own desires, unaware of other’s needs and emotions or 2: They may manifest in behaviors of a person being very dependent on others, yet extremely unhappy with their dependent nature, and always blaming others for their lack of ability to stand on their own two feet; a “victim” energy and attitude.

For working on this 19/10/1 Karmic Imbalance you can use the 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency as a vibrational tool to assist in the work of rebalancing this particular Karmic Imbalanced energy. This is the frequency of Liberation from Fear and Guilt, and there is an association with the Solar Plexus Chakra; the Power Center of our physical body and reality. This is useful because it is within the Solar Plexus Chakra where the energy of Fear and Guilt associated with this particular Karmic Imbalance is most often created and held.

May this information brought to you via this article assist you in personally dealing with such events, and assist you in your Sacred Contractual Work as is your Responsibility to creating positive change leading us into an Era of Peace.


© 2017 Essence Ka tha’ras

Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras   and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com