“She Who Chooses”~ A Poem by Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam


Greetings Fellow Spiritual Travelers,

This post is a bit different than most I share here, but Spirit led me to spend the better part of the morning focused on this, so I am going to share it with you.

What I am sharing is a beautiful poem my Dear Star Sister Bairavee Balasubramaniam shared with us all today.

As I read her words I was taken back to the time, many years ago, when I was initiated into the Mother phase of the Goddess.

Like I shared with her, I found her words taking me back to that time, yet also showing me how interesting it is to see it all play out, and to see the cycle continuously rotate!

Now sitting on the Throne of the Krone, I share what I learned during my years of experience in the Mother Aspect of the Goddess.

This poem speaks to me of the passage of the stage of the Maiden into that of the Mother; a time in life when a Woman takes on the wearing of the Mantle of her Full Power as the Mother Aspect of the Goddess.

With this transition and Initiation the Maiden moves into a place of KNOWING the Power she truly posses, and is beginning to better understand in full, her Responsibility to the Nurturing of Humankind she is duty-bound to bear and wield if she is to fulfill her obligations as Life Giver and Role Model for all Humankind; especially for the Women of this Reality; those who Give and Sustain Life on Earth and Beyond.  

She will spend the better part of half of her Human lifetime in this Role; Mother, Life Giver, Nurturer, and Sustainer of Life. She stands now in the role of the Goddess who KNOWS her Self, who KNOWS her Mind and Heart, and who will not be swayed by False Truths and Forgery of Knowledge.

The Mother can be fierce, for she will protect what she has given Life and Birth to. She is Powerful, and those who do not understand her will Fear her, for she Demands and Commands the Respect she is due and will stand undaunted in all her Glory, Strength and Authority before any and all who question, demean, or attempt to dishonor her or bring shame to her name. And she will sorely do the same for those in her charge.   

Deny her, Shame her, Disgrace or Dishonor her and you will feel her wrath. But give the Mother what is Rightfully her Credit and Fitting Due, and she will shower you with the Love, Protection and Nurturing necessary to sustain your life in Blissful Pleasure and Contentment.

The Mother Goddess stands side by side with the Wild God King, but only when he stands fully in his own Power; Full in the Understanding of his role in the Creation of Reality by her side.

The Wild God King bows before the Goddess, not in submission or lowly obedience, but in Respect, Admiration and Veneration to the One who gave him life and Nurtures his life; sustaining him as he takes on the duties of fulfilling his obligations for that to which he was born.

He KNOWS and takes Pride in the knowledge that he is her Consort, her Life Companion, her Partner and Champion.

He KNOWS what it means to be her Equal, and She his.

Together they Rule, Create and Nurture Life. Hand in Hand they stand guard over what collectively they have brought to life and will see it nurtured to fruition.   

One is incomplete without the other, for they work in Unison as Equals. They are to each other what the Sky is to the Earth and Day is to Night. It is in their ability to reflect each other that makes them whole.

This… is what it means to wear the Mantle of the Mother Aspect of the Goddess. It is not a position Given lightly, nor one taken on lightly.

It is a Sacred Obligation; one to be Cherished and Solemnly held; performing the Duties of the Position with Respect, and Unconditional Love Equally given to All Life on Earth and beyond.

This is the Charge of the Mother Goddess


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com



Now Please IN-Joy…

She Who Chooses

by: Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam, PhD

She Who Chooses

She Who Chooses

No sir, I shall not grace you with a smile because you expect me to, Don’t you dare invite yourself to my table, this space isn’t for you, Why do you fret when I am unwilling to entertain you? Why do you look pained when I refuse to speak to you with my golden tongue? And no – I’m not bitter, broken, divorced, widowed – or as you might think – a crone, harridan, hag, witch, bitch, or shrew. Words that strike fear straight to you.

I AM She Who Chooses…

I am woman, I am Goddess, I am born of She, And that space of warmth, of love and desire, The Mother in my Heart the Child in my Womb, Maiden, Mother, Crone, Sister, Wife, Daughter, All I Am. All I Be.

Why oh why do men presume that women must welcome them so? You’re not my teacher, my lover, my friend, or my beau, They certainly don’t ask other men to do the same….. Perhaps they should… But if we don’t – unto womanhood that projected shame.

I find you strange, a strange creature of expectation, You see my neutrality, my level headed tone as aggression, My discernment as threat, my judgment as rudeness, Shaken to the bone like a rag doll in the wind you reel from my lack of engagement.

This is my middle ground, my threshold, I stand here with trident, with scythe, with tigress, with wisdom of Old, Indeed yes, the warm fire turns ice cold, When the predator seeks to claim what is not his own.

Believe me son for when I rage, And my anger boils and foams and curdles and rises, You’ll know.

For now, Just Go.

If you cross that line of mine, Seeking what is not yours to find, Out Come the Ice-Cold, Red-Hot Goddess-Whore-Witch-Shrews of Old, Run, son, run… lest I begin to Dance.

For you shall see the one you seek, The one you want, and yet Dread to Meet.

The She who Rises, The She who Chooses. The I AM hidden beneath

(What’s that? I thought you wanted me to smile? What’s that? Not the one with the fangs? Whooops! )

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam, PhD


The Journey Home ~ A Poem of Avalon

This poem was inspired by the picture shared here. It is a picture I saw on Facebook on 7/14/14 shared by a friend of mine, Bairavee Balasubramaniam. She shared it from another Facebook page; that of Avalon Whitefeather. I simply wanted to give credit where I felt credit was due.

Blessings to each of these Sisters of Spirit.


Essence Ka tha’ras


The Journey Home

The Journey Home

The Journey Home


Oh Sweet Mystical and Magickal Isle of Avalon….

How at times my heart longs for you…  

The Sweetness and Serenity of Home,

the Comfort of the arms of the Lady of the Mists


Oh Sweet Mystical and Magickal Isle of Avalon

The Voice of the Mother calls to me in the stillness of night

Carried upon the Winds and the Tides…

In their song I hear The Goddess’ Voice softly speak,

Echoes of the Splendor of the Maiden,

The Courage of the Mother,

all tangled amidst the Wisdom of the Crone


Oh Sweet Mystical and Magickal Isle of Avalon

Far too long has it been since I sat foot on your shores.


Oh Sweet Mystical and Magickal Isle of Avalon

No longer can I ignore the tug of my heart.

In the Stillness of this night, look for me

For tonight I shall travel through the Mists

Once again to arrive and stand upon your Sacred soil


Oh Sweet Mystical and Magickal Isle of Avalon

This night… I Return Home


Essence Ka tha’ras

© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras









Funny Thing – Alice Woke Up In Reality (a just for fun poem)

Alice Woke Up In Reality

Alice Woke Up In Reality

Funny thing; I went to sleep last night and woke up in this dream.

I fell straight through the rabbit hole, and now nothing is how it seems.


Tomorrow ran into last week and time got turned around.

Someone shut the faucet off, now water runs upside down.


The cat drove me to town in his new Mercedes-Benz.

We parked the car on the moon, then met up with his friends.


The Universe turned itself inside out, just as natural as you please.

So we jumped a shuttle to outer-space to watch the Milky Way freeze.


I took a drink, a really big swig, of liquid purple dust.

I told the cat, “I need to lie down. I really think I must!”


So resting in the needle’s eye I finally went to bed.

I spun the room from left to right and somehow came out ahead.


I woke up in the rabbit hole, and now I’m not sure things are as they seem.

Funny thing, I went to bed last night, and now I’m stuck here in this Reality’s Dream.


Essence Ka tha’ras




Artwork and Poetry © 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

The Birth of Metatronic Consciousness


The Birth of Metatronic Consciousness

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 1

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 1

 Where shall sit I upon this Shambahallan night

As azure rains rush in, and electric indigo winds take flight


To land upon a pristine place

To rest, to view, Divinity’s face

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 2

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 2

Oh, once did I come to stand

Within a place called home, o’er distant lands

This night has taken form anew

Allowing me once more this exquisite view

Reality of my making fresh

Expansive growth amid each limitless breath 

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 3

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 3

Tomorrows exploded through yesterdays chatter

God’s Mind unfolded, initiating physical matter

Where once again Sacred Seeds shall lay

Among the groves of Love; the Heart’s forte

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 4

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 4

Eternally do I seek to comprehend

Self’s essential essence, via the embodiment of men


I ask again, where shall sit I upon this Shambahallan night

As azure rains rush in, and electric indigo winds take flight

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 5

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 5

Upon a firma sphere, immaculate and untold

As again view I, pristine time and space unfold


Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 6

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 6


Essence Ka tha’ras

12/14/13 – 13/11/13


Artwork and Writing © 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com

Letter from My Love

A Letter from My Love

A Letter from My Love



This post is a bit different than most here on Shambahalla – New Earth, yet I feel compelled to share it.

This morning, as is my routine, I sat on the porch drinking my coffee and began hearing this poem “coming through”. As I started writing it in my notepad on my phone, (don’t you just love technology!), I realized the energy and message of the poem was coming from a lady, whom I never met in the physical world and who recently moved to the other side of the veil, and that it is a message to her beloved husband, whom I have also never met in the physical. We are friends on Facebook and he was a friend of my mother’s before she moved to the other side of the veil.  Unbeknownst to me until I logged in, I find today is his birthday. So, this poem is a birthday gift to him from his beloved wife.

I must say, after feeling her energy this morning, I would have dearly loved to have known her here on Earth. 

May We All Be Blessed by the words and energy shared in this Letter of Love.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


A Letter from My Love

A Letter from My Love

Letter from My Love

Dedicated to Steve & Maletha Holifield


Love comes softly on a still moonlit night

Shimmering reflections as a heart takes flight


Flowing as water through a gentle rippling brook

Shadows dance to its melody as I and my Love fain to look


“Come dance with me”, whispers my Love in my ear

“For death cannot negate what we nourished for years”


So tonight steal I to the brook as the moon rises high

To dance with my Love across a starry sky


Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras




The Caw of Crow

Crow Cawed to Raven... "Come sit with me"

Crow Cawed to Raven… “Come sit with me”



The Caw of Crow  is a poem I would like to share with you all. To me it speaks of the Magickal place and time we exist within now as we move forward in manifesting more concretely the Mulit-dimensional Reality dimensions into our Physical daily world and life.

We truly are Blessed to be Consciously living and participating in this Co-Creative process.

I hope you enjoy the words, imagery and energy of these Sacred words, and allow it to transport you to where the winds on your Sacred Path carry you.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


The morning of September 15th, 2013 I saw a post on Facebook by Shadow of the Wolf & Native Wisdom & Poems of the Heart about Crow. It was the inspiration for the following poem. As soon as I began reading it these words and images came flooding through. I want to thank them for their work in this Sacred Journey of Life we are all sharing. Together we ARE Creating a New Reality.

Also, I would like to dedicate this Poem to two Dear Star Sisters in particular. Rainy Boland of The Luminous Garden, and Joan Deickman Brockett. Truly does the energy of the Sacredness of All Nature run through your veins. Each of you is a True Blessing in my Life.

Essence Ka tha’ras



The Caw of Crow

Crow cawed to Raven, “Come sit with me,

and all the wonders of Spirit’s realms we shall see”


So Raven flew in on yesterday’s wings

and together they knew all magickal things


An invitation, “Come join”, to Lizard was sent

Then suddenly appeared he, through lightening rent


Said they “Help us to dream a reality new”

For full well knew they Lizard’s medicine be true


Lizard replied. “A New World I can dream,

But Dragonfly we must call, if Illusion it not seem”


Dragonfly quickly did answer their plea

avowing “We shall need Grouse, if movement there be”


Grouse simply appeared in a Spiraling cloud

“Let movement begin”, spoke he in a voice subtle yet loud


Eagle flew over, Hawk by his side

As Butterfly landed, not daring to miss this ride


“Transformation is released”, Butterfly stated

To which Eagle replied, “Spirit is Elated!”


Knowing time had come, Hawk circled once again

“I will give flight of the message” said he, “to our Human Kin”


Essence Ka tha’ras

Written: 9/15/13 11:44a.m.


© Essence Ka tha’ras 2013