Jupiter Bubbles Meditation – On YouTube

I am excited to announce I have just posted my first video of the bimonthly Zoom Meetings and Guided Meditations with Essence Ka tha’ras & Kyra Meerna on my YouTube Channel.

From this point forward some (not all) of the bimonthly Zoom Meetings and Guided Meditations with Essence Ka tha’ras & Kyra Meerna will be periodically posted on YouTube for the purpose of making them easier to access and share.

Those of you who are on my mailing list will still receive invitations and advanced notice of the regularly scheduled bimonthly Guided Meditations so you can attend live and be a part of this most Sacred Work of Awakening and Birthing Group Collective Conscious Minds for the purpose of being of assistance to the continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey of the current Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

If you have not signed up to be a part of this Sacred Work but would like to simply email me at essencek@shambahallanewearth.com or Private Message me on Facebook or Instagram. (Please write “Please add me to your email list” in the subject line)

Our next bimonthly Guided Meditation is on Sunday, July 14th, 2019 at 2:30pm CDT (USA).

Until then, please join in NO Time/NO Space and begin participation by utilizing the “Jupiter Bubbles” Guided Meditation video on YouTube, and don’t forget to “Like”, “Share” and Comment….

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared as long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given. 

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

The Collective Heart of Atlantis Weeps

The Collective Heart of Atlantis weeps & sings a sorrowful song of mourning as it desperately attempts to release the burden of regret for what it has allowed its self to become.

Holding the pain within; a light once bright, now dimmed by actions taken & actions not taken, both of which bear the weight of responsibility for the creation of a reality shared.

Arise, Oh ye Sisters & Brothers of Atlantis, for indeed NOW is the Time of Awakening to Remembrance of the light that once shown as a bright beakon to all those souls lost and adrift in the waters of despair.

NOW is the Time of the Awakening of the Atlantian Light!

Tauj Pen
(Essence Ka tha’ras)
What Atlantis Has Become

I was sitting and working earlier the evening of June 26th, 2019 when the energy conveyed in the above message rolled over me and settled in.

It is a powerful energy…it is palpable right now… and it is growing stronger.

This energy is the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Atlantis, that is now reincarnate as the current reality Collective Consciousness of Humanity, weeping in sorrow because it is awakening and beginning to see what it has become and where it is headed on the current realty timeline it is traveling.

Continue reading

Blessed June Solstice 2019

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Very Blessed June Solstice.

May the energies of this day Bless You and Your’s and May you truly feel the Kiss of ONEness during this time.

According to Metatronic Numerology this June 2019 Solstice carries the 5/55 Dual Frequency. The Metatronic Numeorlogy I AM keyword phrase for the 5/55 Dual frequency is…

I AM Change. Through Clear Connection to the Higher Self I Anchor the Awareness of Divine Will into the Physical Realms

If you would like to know more information about the 5/55 Dual Frequency Gift from this Solstice and be a part of Group Collective Conscious Mind Sacred Work with it, join me Sunday, June 23, 2019 for Online Meditation with Essence Ka tha’ras via Zoom. To participate, please email me at essencek@shambahallanewearth.com and ask to be put on my mailing list. When you do you will receive email invitations to the bimonthly online meditations.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras

This article and all information contained herein are copyright material of Essence Ka tha’ras. It may be shared as long as it is shared in its entirety, credit to the original author, Essence Ka tha’ras, & a link back to this website is given. 

Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

Online Meditations with Essence

Next Zoom Group Meditation: Sunday, June 23, 2019 @ 2:30pm CDT (USA)

Currently I am offering Online Group Meditations (via Zoom) on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 2:30pm Central Time (USA).

If you would like to participate in these Meditations simply contact me and ask to be put on my mailing list. In the Subject Line please type “Please Add Me To Your Email List”.

When you do you will receive emails with links to each meditation as a reminder and to make joining in live easier.  Don’t worry if you miss joining in live. I will send out emails with the link to each Meditation after it is archived. That way you can still be a part of this most Sacred Work.

Contact Information:

Email: essencek@shambahallanewearth.com

Private Message Facebook: Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

Evening Walk & Grandfather Tree

On my evening walk, just past the Grandfather Tree on Rattlesnake Ridge, I did encounter Bluebird & Dragonfly.

Grandfather Tree speaks of Wisdom Rooted deep within. Rattlesnake speaks of Transformation; Bluebird speaks of Happiness and Dragonfly speaks of Illusion….

Then, brought before my inner vision was the word “Samsara”. Samsara is a Sanskrit word meaning “to wander” or “to flow through,” and is recognized as the continuous cycle of death and rebirth caused by the ignorance of the true self (atman) and absolute reality (Brahman).

So, is this message saying to us that the Wisdom of the true self and the truth of reality is rooted deep within each of us?

Is it a message saying that the transformation of this collective self we seek, as we wander and flow through this reality is to be found in the happiness we discover when we finally see through the eyes of Dragonfly and know the Illusion fully?

Is it then, and only then, that samsara is ended?

What a beautiful walk it was indeed.

IN-Joy I Serve

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Ģy’ Shé em
Essence Ka tha’ras


Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Teacher

2019 & Metatronic Numerology

Author: Essence Ka tha’ras ~ Master Metatronic Numerologist

Well here we are, about to step through the doorway into another New Year and into new frequencies to work with.

2019 is going to be an amazing year. It is going to be jampacked with new frequencies, giving us opportunities to create and manifest exciting and wonderful experiences designed to lead us into the work of the next decade and “What is Soon to Come”. There is a lot going on, even as we step through the door into 2019, so let’s get right to looking at some of the most important frequencies and a few of the biggest frequency events in the first part of 2019 and what they mean for us.


2019 ~ A 3 Frequency Year

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 3 Frequency is…

I AM Joyful Creation

2019 is a 3 Frequency year. This means it holds a 3 frequency as its baseline vibration. In a very general way, the 3 frequency is the easiest frequency and energy to deal with.


The 3 frequency is Creative Energy; Creativity in all forms. It is the initial energy of the Creative Life Force for the physical realms and is the lower frequency vibration of the 111 Frequency, and therefore associated with the Initial Spark of the Conception Energy in opening us and our reality to the multidimensional realms.

The 3 frequency is lighthearted and filled with the energy of Joy. It sets our imaginations free from structured reality and allows us to fly to Mystical and Magickal realms. In this energy we play and enjoy life and everything life has to offer. This way of existing, in turn, opens us to unlimited possibilities of Creative Expression.

The frequency of Joy is one of the highest, if not the highest, frequencies obtainable within our reality. When you exist in, and work from, the energy of Joy anything is not only possible, it manifests into physical reality quickly and easily.

By the way, we are also in the last year of a 3 Frequency decade. You just thought these last 10 years had been difficult. They could have been much more difficult! (lol)

January 2019 ~ 4 Frequency Month

January 2019 is a 4 Frequency month.

The Metatronic Numerology I AM keyword phrase for the 4 frequency is…

I AM Form and Service

The 4 frequency is about work, it’s about creating limits, boundaries and a solid foundation upon which to build.

The 4 Frequency is about Work. So, you see, right off the bat Spirit has us focusing on our work.

The 4 frequency is represented by the Sacred Geometric forms of the Cube and the Square. These Sacred Geometric forms hold codes showing tenets of equality and balance; they bond and unify.

Continue reading

Akashic Answers with Essence

Akashic Answers with Essence Ka tha’ras

Thursday, November 9, 2017



This Akashic Answers with Essence Ka tha’ras is a bit different than most. This question was not posed to me personally, but was instead a question posted in one of my FB Groups,

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos & Indigos Home.

You can also find interesting conversation about this question in a FB Group page recently started by a good friend of mine.

Journey to Oneness


The poster shared a graphic showing that 39% of the world population is living in countries that are considered to be “Free” countries, 25% in “Partially Free” countries, and 36% in “Not Free” Countries.

Their question was…

“Is it possible for a soul to be awakened in the NOT-FREE world? If not, what can be done to make this into a truly global movement peacefully?”.


For information on how to send in your question for consideration for publication in “Akashic Answers with Essence Ka tha’ras” please click the link below………

Enter your Question


Akashic Answer

I think there are a few things to take into consideration with your question.

First, to answer your question as to whether it’s possible for people to awaken spiritually in parts of the world that are “not free”, the answer is yes. Do I think it’s probably a bit more difficult? Yes and No.

“Spiritual Awakening”, as those of us in this particular belief system use this term today, really has nothing to do with whether or not a person physically lives in a “Free Society”, because Spiritual Awakening is about the Expansion of Consciousness. It’s about thinking outside of the “Mainstream Box”, and questioning accepted societal norms. (Mainstream meaning the paradigm created by the beliefs and values any culture and society have agreed upon and accepted as their norm.)

Questioning societal norms, and holding personal beliefs that are not in line with those norms is possible in any given society. Even if a person lives in a society where voicing or letting it be known their personal beliefs differ from the norm is not safe they can still hold those as their beliefs and simply pretend to go along with mainstream society.

Is this comfortable or something a person wants to do? No. But believe me when I say it is possible. Those of us whom Awakened even as short a time as 30 to 40 year ago know this all too well, because even though we lived in a so called “free society” we knew voicing such beliefs to the wrong person could get you locked away for a very long time. Think of the opposition and the threats to their safety people like Galileo, Copernicus, Michelangelo and others faced for daring to question and search for expanded truth in their lifetimes. They too lived in what were deemed “Free Societies”.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is quoted as saying…. “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

This is true because those who falsely believe they are free require no warden. They are their own warden; they keep their self enslaved within a false freedom.

Those of us who live in “Free Societies” have been, and continue to be, conditioned, (brainwashed) to think that our “mainstream societal norms” are somehow superior to any others. Yet what percentage of the population of “Free Societies” ever consider, much less find the courage to dare question their societal norms?

The vast majority of the 39% of world population considered to be living in “Free Societies” are as controlled, (if not more so) than the 61% of the world population considered not to be (totally) “Free”.

They are living in an illusionary reality of “False Freedom”; one imposed on them by the “Powers that Be”, in ways they willingly accept because their “Societal Norms” say they should. No other reason.

They are controlled through their beliefs in dogmatic religious belief systems, corrupt and failing political systems, food and water sources laced with toxic chemicals that calcify, and therefore shut down, organs in the brain necessary for consciousness expansion; glands such as the pineal and pituitary. They are spoon fed handfuls of “prescription medications” that stimulate the Amygdala; the gland most responsible for releasing the chemicals that produce fear. And they are supplied with an overabundance of choices (via media) such as news channels, social media, movies, music, etc. that maintain a level of adrenaline in the body that keep them constantly in an emotional and mental state of “fight or flight”. And they willingly accept all of this to a point that has created a mainstream society who lives with a mindset that would rather fight to their own death before even considering changing any of their beliefs. The level of Societal Cognitive Dissonance in the “Free World” has reached a point where most of its population would rather allow, and participate in, its own downfall and destruction than consider change.

Before the Internet many people awakened spiritually. We did not have the access to an overabundance of exposure to information now easily available to a vast majority of the world; access to concepts, thoughts and ideas that often plant those seeds of questioning mainstream societal norms. What we did have was an innate internal “knowing” that what we were being shown, taught and what was constantly presented to us as truth was indeed not the full truth. We innately knew there was more than what was being forced upon us as the totality of reality.

We were, and are, no different than those living in “Non-free” societies today who have none, or limited, access to concepts so prevalent in this current “New Age/Spiritual Awakening/Consciousness Expansion” process. Yet, We, just like They, and They, just like Us, do have one very important thing in common. We are all Spirit incarnate in human form here simply for the experience, and as such we all have at our core this innate driving force that, if we as human allow it, makes us question limited reality and pushes us to go in search of an expanded truth.

Another point in this “free-world/non-free world” matter is that many religious and spiritual beliefs held by cultures placed in this “non-free world” bracket are actually more allowing of spiritual beliefs than we who live in the “free-world” realize.

Many of those cultures still adhere to Earth Based Spiritual Belief Systems that keep them much more in tune with a view of the Divine than that held by dogmatic religious belief systems the vast majority of the “free-world” follow. Remember, these “free world/non-free world” designations are largely based on political views, not necessarily religious views.

2: This is not the first time an “Age of Enlightenment” or “Consciousness Expansion” has occurred that led to extreme changes in worldwide held beliefs. To differing degrees there have been many such “Ages” in the last 2,000+ years on this planet. The last of which began in the mid-17th century and lasted well over one hundred years, and is actually referred to as “The Age of Reason” or “The Age of Enlightenment”, or simply “Enlightenment”.

As a matter of fact, if we take a step back from our current lifetime perspective, we could choose to see that just maybe what we perceive as something “New” that began less than 50 to 100 years ago is not so new after all, but is instead an evolutionary continuation of something that began as far back as 2,000+ years ago. Maybe even longer.

3: Those who adhere to the current “New Age/Spiritual Awakening/Consciousness Expansion Movement/Belief System” have subconscious tendencies of falling (back) into dogmatic forms of thinking. This is not an attack, but is a simple observation of a very human behavior.

I say this because many, (and I say many, not all) who follow this “Spiritual Awakening Path” tend to think, (at least subconsciously), that “Spiritual Awakening” looks pretty much the same for everyone. Because it was their personal experience they have a tendency to think that all those who “Spiritually Awaken” will suddenly choose to believe in all the things they do, (examples such as Ascended Masters, Archangels, Starseeds, ET’s, Higher Self, Spiritual Guides, Twin Flames, Multidimensionality, Alternate and Parallel Universes and Dimensions, etc.), and give up beliefs that adhere to current Mainstream Religious Belief Systems such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, etc.

This simply is not true.

Remember, Awakening Spiritually is not actually about one’s religious or spiritual beliefs, any more than it is about one’s political or cultural beliefs. It is simply about the Expansion of Consciousness.

It is about expanding one’s thinking processes (and beliefs when necessary) to allow for acceptance of others and the tolerance of the differences we perceive we have with them.

It is about the expansion of the heart that allows for more compassion and love for all forms of life to flow through one as the individual they are. It is about truly understanding that We Are One, and that we are all connected, and acting in a fashion that shows we know that how we treat any individual affects all life. It is about “caring for thy neighbor as thyself”.

That… Is True Spiritual Awakening.

Lastly, I would like to quickly address a point as to how many upon this “Spiritual Awakening” path often view this it.

Even though most who follow this path do not like to think of it as a “Movement” or “Belief System”, because that implies a form of structure; like it or not, it is evolving into a “Belief System”. Even Mainstream Society now accepts and considers this “New Age Spiritual Movement” as the fastest growing “World Religion”.

Now, we can either choose to see this as an attack on our Spirituality, our “Path”, or we can choose to view it as the natural evolutionary process of Humanity’s Spiritual Growth, and the positive forward movement of Religion on Earth.

We can continue to place energy into defending such a concept; energy that causes tension and feeds division. Or we can choose to see this as a positive forward growth movement that will eventually lead all of humanity to that place where we stand in our Sovereignty as the Divine Sparks of the ONE Universal Heart and Mind we truly are, both Individually and Collectively.

The choice is ours to make.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2017 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site….www.shambahallanewearth.com