Preparing for the Lion’s Gate

Greetings Dearest Spirit Family,

I AM led to re-share some words I originally posted in 2012 and 2013.

I feel they are relevant in this NOW moment for their ability to speak to us in this time of preparation we are in only days before this years full alignment with the Lion’s Gate of August 8th, because of the New Codes we will be bathed within as we pass through this Time Portal. Among other things, these new codes are for our use in creating our Reality during this coming year, (until the opening of the next Lion’s Gate in August of 2016), and deal with matters such as reawakening our latent Telepathic Abilities and our conscious entry into Galactic Interactions.  

One is a short comment on the nature of Consciousness and the other is a poem written of the “Birth of the Metatronic Consciousness” that transpired on the date of 13/13/13 (Dec. 16th, 2013). The poem speaks of another point in Time/Space Reality when we were also taking a big step further into the Realms of Multi-dimensionality.

Later today, I will post a Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report on the Blue Moon in Aquarius we will be experiencing on July 31st, 2015. Then in another day or two, I will be posting a Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report on the exact alignment with the August 8th, 2015 Lion’s Gate. Be watching for this information.

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


Originally posted Jan. 13, 2012

“By its very nature, Consciousness seeks expansion.”

Azure LOA of Shambahalla


It is this natural impulse of Consciousness

that is the impetus which spurs and drives us

ever forward in our desire to learn and grow; to expand our Consciousness.

“God”, or more exactly, the concept the word “God” embodies

Is this Consciousness.

“God Consciousness” is not static,

but is ever learning, ever growing

Ever Expanding.

Essence Ka tha’ras


1/13/12  © Essence Ka tha’ras 2012


Originally posted Dec. 14, 2013

The Birth of Metatronic Consciousness

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 1

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 1

 Where shall sit I upon this Shambahallan night

As azure rains rush in, and electric indigo winds take flight


To land upon a pristine place

To rest, to view, Divinity’s face

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 2

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 2

 Oh, once did I come to stand

Within a place called home, o’er distant lands

This night has taken form anew

Allowing me once more this exquisite view

Reality of my making fresh

Expansive growth amid each limitless breath

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 3

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 3

 Tomorrows exploded through yesterdays chatter

God’s Mind unfolded, initiating physical matter

Where once again Sacred Seeds shall lay

Among the groves of Love; the Heart’s forte


Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 4

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 4

Eternally do I seek to comprehend

Self’s essential essence, via the embodiment of men


I ask again, where shall sit I upon this Shambahallan night

As azure rains rush in, and electric indigo winds take flight


Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 5

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 5

 Upon a firma sphere, immaculate and untold

As again view I, pristine time and space unfold

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness - Phase 6

Birth of Metatronic Consciousness – Phase 6

Essence Ka tha’ras

12/14/13 – 13/11/13

© 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras

© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Communiqué from the Q4 ~ The Prison of Fear

The following is a communiqué from Essence Ka tha’ras and the Q4 originally shared in October of 2014.

Today I AM led by Spirit to share it once again, for its message is one that can be of assistance in the work of bringing our energy into a balanced and aligned state in preparation for the influx of Energy and New Energy Codes we will be bathed in at the opening the Lion’s Gate on August 8th, 2015. The 8/8/8-888

IN-Joy I Share

Essence Ka tha’ras


The Prison of Fear

The Prison of Fear

“Greetings Spirit Family of Earth,

We, the Q4, come to you in this NOW amid the energies of Love, Unity and Synchronized Harmony.

First we would make clear that the information we share is not meant as a judgment or condemnation of any. Our purpose for sharing is simply to be of assistance to any who resonate with the frequencies we hold and emit, and the information we share. We desire only to assist our Spiritual Family currently existing in Human form in their Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness Expansion process.

In this NOW moment we wish to speak to you of the frequency known as Fear which still binds so many humans to the lower dimensional realms and the illusionary realities.

Many within your current time frame reality are conditioned to instantaneously respond to particular terminology that has been created and instituted into your lexicon for the purpose of controlling many, and vast areas of your reality for many different purposes.

Some would label this “Conspiracy”. WE simply see it for what it is; the Illusionary Reality created upon the Earthly planes for the purpose of SELF experiencing SELF and the Expansion of the Consciousness of SELF.  

Even with that knowledge, you must understand, there is still self responsibility of each individual consciousness to participate in resolving and moving past this particular stage of your collective journey of consciousness into the next stage of your collective development. This is so because each of you, each human, is an individual holographic part of the ONE SELF experiencing SELF in an infinite and expanding reality. Each of you manifested into this particular existence and portion of infinite reality to participate in this way, and did so of their own individual Free Will.

WE would like to address one particular terminology we see a large number of humans respond to especially quickly through the energy of fear; and this is the term “Left Behind”.

As most of you are aware, this particular term is related to one of the larger “Religious Institutions” of your current projected collective reality system and instantly affects many millions, (even billions) to some extent or another when they see or hear this term; either consciously or subconsciously.

To those still being affected by the energy and frequency of Fear through the use of this term, we say to you…

The only thing you are being “Left Behind” on is not awakening to the remembrance of the knowledge of your Spiritual Sovereignty and the current Expansion of Consciousness that is occurring within the Universal Sector of which your Collective Reality exists.

You are only being “Left Behind” in the current collective journey of remembrance of your individual and collective abilities to create realities of your choosing, and to the knowledge that there is only ONE Divine Universal Heart and Mind Consciousness of which each of you is an equal individual holographic part.  

You will continue to be “Left Behind” on this journey until you begin awakening to and acknowledging the fact that you are being controlled and manipulated into giving away your power within your reality to a Political Industrial Complex that is run by a very small number of misguided Spiritual Beings existing in Physical Human Form, (and other forms of physicality) who are caught up in a way of thinking, and an energy of belief in Greed, Power and Control as being their only means of survival.

They live and exist in a Prison of Fear, and they pass this way of living and existing within this Prison of Fear on to you by a multitude of ways and means.

Staying free from this trap set to incarcerate you in this Prison of Fear is a challenge because once you become caught within this “Trap of Fear” you can no longer see that YOU then continue to feed and self perpetuate this Fear; thus you become the one to maintain you’re being trapped within its energy boundaries.

Once caught in this Trap of Fear you begin to feed the Fear of the loss of who and what you think you are, when in truth, Who and What you think you are is an Illusion created and projected for you to see and believe, that was intended from its origination, to trap you in this Prison of Fear. (This was the bait used.)

As this energy of Fear grows, (fed by you) you begin to Fear your own Power. You begin to Fear Responsibility of any kind, including and especially Responsibility for Self. You then come to Fear True Freedom; for True Freedom requires you to Know your Self, to own your Power and to be Responsible for Self and your individual part in the creation of all of Reality.

WE ask you…

How do you ever expect to escape this Prison of Fear when you are simultaneously the inmate and the warden?

How do you ever expect to escape this Prison of Fear when you are that which is imprisoned, that which imprisons you, and that which keeps you imprisoned?

WE remind you…

YOU are also that which holds the key to unlocking the Prison Gates, thereby granting you access to your Freedom.

WE  who share these words with you, wish you to know it is our desire that you will seriously contemplate this conundrum and find within you the courage necessary to release yourself from this Self-imposed Prison of Fear.

WE NOW bid you farewell and leave you in this NOW moment of Space/Time Reality amid the energies of Love, Unity and Synchronized Harmony.

Essence Ka tha’ras & The Q4”



Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Medication for Healing ~ Raising its Frequency

This morning on FB in the First Wave Blue Ray Indigos and Indigos Home group I shared the following information about the process of taking any medications intended for healing.

I wish to now share it here.

Conscious Healing

Conscious Healing

I would also like to take this opportunity to invite any who are not already members of our INDIGO VIBE TRIBE to check out this Amazing Family of Indigos who are coming together.

Simply click the link provided here and come visit us in our Home….

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos and Indigos Home


WE are the Indigo Vibe Tribe

WE are Building a Conscious & Intentional Spiritually Awakened

Group Collective Conscious Mind

& WE Walk in Thunder!


For any who are taking Medication for treatment of any illness or Dis-ease of any kind, be it synthetic drugs or natural alternatives such as herbs and essential oils, etc., either on a short term basis or a long term basis, before ingesting, (or using in any other form) always:

1:  bring your self to a place of Centered Balance and into a Meditative state.

2: Intentionally raise your Frequency,

3: Speak with your body and state the Intention and desired outcome for which the medication is being used,

4: Send Love and Light to the medication, thus raising its frequency,

5: Take medication,

6: Hold and Send Gratitude to the medication for doing its job, to your body for accepting the medication for the Healing you desire, and to the Universe in which WE exists.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

To Act or RE-Act? That Is the Question

To Act or to RE-Act?

To Act or to RE-Act?

To Act is to do something, it is to take an action to take steps forward and proceed.

To React is to Act in response to something, it is to counter in reply, or retort to a stimuli.


When you Act, you are in control of yourself, your emotions, and the situation at hand.

When you RE-Act, you are simply reproducing the Act, or action directed at you.

If the outside stimuli, or the initial action taken toward you is one of anger, hurt, or attempted control of your power and energy, and you ACT in response to it, you have the opportunity to change a negative into a positive.

If instead you choose to RE-Act to it, you are simply repeating the initial action, and the only possible outcome is one of intensifying what is already something with the potential to do harm in some form or fashion.

To Act or To RE-Act…. THAT Is the Question


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Are You A First Wave Blue Ray Indigo?


Are You A First Wave Blue Ray Indigo?

Are You A First Wave Blue Ray Indigo?

I AM a First Wave Blue Ray Indigo.

I can say that now, as can many others my age, but when we were young not only did most of us not know what this meant, we had not ever heard of such things before. Even today many people are not familiar with, nor have ever heard of this Spiritual Generation.

In this short article, which is an edited and slightly expanded version of one I originally shared in January of 2014, you will find information describing some of the attributes and traits of a First Wave Blue Ray Indigo. For those of you who are First Wave Blue Ray Indigos I hope this information may help finally answer some questions for you, and let you know something of your Spiritual Generation’s work and what we have done and continue to do for the Expansion of Consciousness of Humanity in the Spiritual Awakening process. For those of subsequent Spiritual Generations maybe this information may help you better understand your parents and/or you grandparents.     

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos started incarnating in fairly large numbers around 1945 to 1949 through about 1969-1970. This makes them approximately between the ages of 45 to 70.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos began coming in en masse around 1955 or so, and the “Hippy Love and Peace Generation” was the very first sign of this new frequency moving into physical mainstream reality; and it went a very long way in breaking up the dense vibrational frequencies held by Earth and humanity at that time; something that was necessary for raising the consciousness of the Collective.

In a nutshell, First Wave Blue Ray Indigos came here to start (re)raising the frequency of Earth and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity so that when the time for the Indigo Frequency Generation to come in arrived, the vibration and frequency of the planet would be high enough for them to get here and exist physically. The frequency First Wave Blue Ray Indigos came into was so dense Indigos and subsequent Frequency Ray Generations could not even get here.

Many First Wave Blue Ray Indigos had self-worth, self-esteem and low self-confidence problems. This was due to existing on a planet that felt very foreign and was not highly spiritually evolved. There was a strong sense of isolation for this spiritual generation, because finding each other back then was difficult.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos instinctively knew they were different, and that things were not right on this planet, but they had to conform, at least in pretense, because the “accepted reality” at that time would not permit anything less.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos had a tendency to stay to themselves a lot, and needed lots of time alone so they could “be” in a place that allowed them to connect to the feelings of “home” within their minds. They were not likely to rock the boat or make waves unless pushed to extremes; and this had to be an extreme, extreme!

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos intuitively knew they were here to do something big, yet had no idea what that something was. This inner knowing created a strong desire in them to constantly push in search of what it was they felt so strongly within themselves. This was actually the driving force that led to raising the vibrational frequency of Earth during that time.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos are highly empathic and cannot, (even to this day) understand the acts of cruelty toward each other, animals, the earth, or the corruption in political, religious, and economic systems humans are capable of. They came in on a frequency ray, and from a place of Love and Peace, (as do we all), and want nothing more than to connect to others and exist in a place that feels peaceful, loving and kind. They are the true Idealist Utopians, and even though they can rationally understand why Utopia does not currently exist upon Earth, they cannot truly comprehend why it seems so difficult for humanity to instantly create Utopia on Earth. To them, it is as easy as breathing.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos are Healers, Teachers and Energy Workers by nature. The Blue Ray is the Ray of Wisdom and Healing, and First Wave Blue Ray Indigos came here to assist with expanding the Heart Chakra of the Collective. This is why so many of them wear their “Heart on their Sleeve”, as the saying goes.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos finally began “coming out of the Spiritual Closet” en masse in 2008; the year of the “Great Coming Together”. By that time many had finally healed sufficiently to begin feeling it was safe enough to expose their self to the world.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos often have issues with tendencies of escapism because of the intense feelings of being so different and alone in this world. They often suffer with addictive tendencies and personalities; this is one of the largest contributing factors to the fact that the use of Sacred Drugs during the ‘60’s and ‘70’s turned into such a large issue of drug abuse.

Many First Wave Blue Ray Indigos suffer from conditions such as chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. This is manifest from them constantly subconsciously transmuting energy for the planet and other people. The need for them to learn to do this work intentionally and consciously is imperative if they are to avoid creating physical ailments within their own bodies.

First Wave Blue Ray Indigos will often stay in dysfunctional relationships and situations because they “feel” like they are responsible for healing the other person, or persons involved; they have a very hard time telling other people no.

Indigos, those who came into the Earth plane on the Indigo Ray, have many of the same qualities as Blue Ray Indigos except they cannot and will not conform, at least not for very long, to standards set by society that go against what they “know” to be their truth. They are the Spiritual Generation known as the “System Busters”. They came here to change the world and they know it!

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Tensions Mount; Yet We Aspire to Create New Earth

Greetings Dear Spirit Family,

Maintaining Balanced Energy

Maintaining Balanced Energy

As we have moved into the recent Mercury Retrograde, and while under the influence of other Numerological and Astrological alignments and frequencies, I have been noticing quite a bit of distressed conversation and exchange of some rather tense words and energy between people, as well as many people feeling the need to defend themselves through conversation and  written commentary through social media and many other avenues in their daily life these last few days .

I Lovingly suggest before such actions are taken we all take the time to step back from the tensions and the disharmonious energy flows we are feeling and find ourselves wrapped within at this time to Center and Balance our Energy, Thoughts and Emotions.

Actions, Words, Emotions and Energies such as what seems to be so abundant at this particular time does nothing to Create Healing, Consciousness Expansion and Spiritual Growth for anyone; neither the Individual nor the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Earth.

Remember, the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report of this week shows us this week’s Sacred Work is that of moving into the Field of Potentiality and Creating our New Reality from and through the 99 Frequency of Universal Love.

As we continue to travel through this week, and the coming weeks and the possibilities of some more rather intense energies and frequency combination, I implore each of you to aspire to be ever cognizant of the energy you are allowing yourself to become entangled in, holding and emitting.

We as the Spiritually Awakened are charged with clearing the path and showing the way to those who still slumber spiritually. Let us take seriously this profound and crucial Responsibility we have agreed to accept.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation to Each and All as we continue to Create New Earth.

Essence Ka tha’ras

The Importance of Compassion with Detachment

Kwan Yin helps in understanding Divine Compassion

Kwan Yin helps in understanding Divine Compassion

Emotional Sensitivity is directly related to Compassion. What we must remember is that there are different types and levels of Compassion.

Compassion from the level of human existence is tied directly to our ability to be empathic. Very often emotional empaths have a difficult time in life until they learn to control their empathic abilities and gifts. I know I did.

Compassion from the human level is often overwhelming and brings us to tears and causes us to say “yes” to people in circumstances we usually would not. We do this because we “feel” other’s emotions and the emotional frequencies of everyone all around us, and it becomes easy to confuse the emotions we are “feeling” as our own.

The human heart radiates an electromagnetic field, and the interaction between the electromagnetic fields of human’s hearts affect our moods, attitudes, feelings and beliefs whether we are conscious of it or not.  

Just by going through our normal day, being in traffic, going to work, the grocery store, etc., we are constantly being bombarded with emotions that are not ours, and because we are not consciously focused on this knowledge, we fall into allowing the low vibrational frequency emotions of other’s dramas and personal issues to move into our energy fields, and soon we think what we are feeling is our own emotions, and very quickly it becomes too much to bare.

What transpires next is, we begin reacting and interacting with others in ways that create situations and personal dramas that fit with the emotions we have subconsciously taken on.

We also have to remember that when we say “yes” to helping others beyond what is productive and beneficial for their personal growth, we are not doing it for them, although we think we are; We are doing it for our self. We are doing it because the pain is too much to tolerate and we will do anything to make it stop.

This is Compassion born of the physical human Heart Chakra. Don’t get me wrong; to hold compassion for others is a wonderful and beautiful thing. It is a virtue we MUST possess if we want to do our part in the forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of Humanity. But Compassion of this vibrational frequency does not benefit anyone. Not the person you are trying to help, and most definitely not you.

Compassion born of the High Heart Chakra is much more in line with Divine Compassion, and this is where we need to learn to understand and work with Compassion from. Here is where we learn the true and higher meaning of the term “Compassion with Detachment”.

One of my favorite quotes on Compassion is from the book “P’taah – The Gift”, by Jani King. In it P’taah shares the following on Compassion with Detachment.

“As you grow in awareness and expand your consciousness you will find that your view of your world also expands.

As you view the dramas and pain and anguish of your brothers and sisters it is important that you balance detachment and compassion.

It is to be in that place of support, open heartedness and unconditional love; to show forth tenderness and giving of yourself, without becoming hooked into the story; without reinforcing feelings of victimhood or powerlessness.”

We must learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create.

We need to learn that, although we may think we are helping others by taking on their emotional frequencies, (which is what we are doing when we attach to that energy), we are actually adding to their unhappiness and our own.

When you take on the emotional pain of another into your personal energy you are feeding exactly what you desire to ease. This is counterproductive for them and you.

The 6 and 66 Frequencies hold the vibrations that are of the most assistance in helping us to learn the lesson in how to move beyond the human level of Compassion.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 6 and 66 are:

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

These two frequency bandwidths are a direct communications link to the energy of The Divine Feminine and show us how to take on our Responsibility for helping others out of a sense of Love, and not out of a sense of obligation.

The Divine Feminine leads by example in teaching others how to be responsible in their interactions with others and the world as a whole, and teaches through the energies of love, compassion and tenderness; not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation.

Begin today in learning how to move into the higher frequencies of Divine Compassion, for by so doing you truly begin to be of more assistance in the healing of yourself and others, as well as the planet as a whole.

IN-Joy I Share


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…