Blue Jay Medicine & Message 2021

In late July of 2015 I received a Spirit Message from Blue Jay. Today, almost six years later on June 22, 2021, Blue Jay flew back in with a Sacred Message relevant to us at this time. This is Blue Jay’s message I now share.

Blue Jay brings much knowledge and a strong and wise message from Spirit.

Blue Jay’s message is multifold, one we can often miss or misinterpret when we do not listen closely and/or listen with physical ears for a message only for us in our individual life as opposed to listening with our spiritual clairaudient abilities for a message of how we can be of assistance to the Collective Conscious Reality of Humanity.

In the aviary community Blue Jay holds a powerful and austere position and is ranked among aviary royalty. Blue Jay is determined, assertive, intelligent, fearless, daring and unflinchingly courageous when confronting and dealing with adversaries.

Blue Jay’s mate for life, and therefore hold and teach of the qualities of endurance, patience, solidarity and loyalty.

Blue Jay’s loud and distinctive call brings the Medicine of Truth into our lives and speaks to us of what Holding the Energy of Truth, Speaking Truth and Living in Truth really means.

In the area of our Spiritual Journey as Spirit in Human form, Blue Jay comes to loudly and clearly remind us of Who we Truly are.

At this time in our Collective Journey Blue Jay once again brings us the message and reminder to “Beware the false Messenger of Spirit”

In this time of such great importance to the expansion of consciousness and the building of a new collective reality we are now in, it is imperative we be discerning in the Messages we view and believe to be those of Spirit.

Blue Jay comes to us at times of importance in our lives, both individually and collectively. He comes at those times when we need to be extremely vigilant in being consciously aware of the information and energy we take into our energy field and belief system and reminds us that whatever we believe as truth and focus our energy, thoughts and emotions on is what we are feeding energy into manifesting as reality.

Blue Jay’s Medicine is that of the proper use of our personal and Collective power. He brings a message from Spirit telling us to be careful not to let the persuasive powers of others lead us to misuse and misdirect our power in the ways in which we create reality. He reminds us that it doesn’t matter if the information from others is intentionally or accidentally incorrect, the result of feeding energy to incorrect or detrimental information is the same.

Blue Jay says to us…

“Do not give your power away. Learn to know your power and use your power wisely. When you work with others in co-creating reality, hold your own power and work in tandem with others, but do not give your power away to others. Develop your gifts and your power and live your life to your fullest potential.”

Those of us who adhere to this “New Age Spiritual Belief System” are constantly presented with a plethora of “Energy Events” we are asked to participate in and add energy to, and we are nearing a point in the yearly cycle where we are preparing to be presented with a massive amount of cyclic activation ceremonies and Collective Energy Events we will be asked to choose to add energy to.

This is true every year, and the amount of energy events we are presented to choose from has been growing in numbers at an unprecedented rate for the last two to three decades. The advent of the internet and social media sites has fed this growth in ways we would not have imagined fifty years ago.

With the changes we have experienced as a global society in the last 18 months we can expect to see this plethora of “Energy Events” and cyclic activation ceremonies we are presented with to choose to add energy to expand at a rate heretofore experienced and unforeseen. And this rate of growth of such things is going to increase exponentially in the next decade or two.

Blue Jay is come to remind us that, as a Collective, where we now find ourselves existing and experiencing reality in spacetime is standing on a point on the edge of great transformation and because of this many of the Energy Events we are now going to be presented with are those that we now need to let go of if we want to add our personal energy to the co-creation of a new and fresh Collective Reality Experience.

Many of these Energy Events we will be presented with participating in in the coming months and years, belong to, and do the work of, maintaining the status quo Collective Reality we are working so hard to move out of and past in order to move into the Light of a New Collective Reality. (11:56am)

We are being guided towards and asked to seriously begin the work of moving into an energy and mindset of Collective Spiritual Maturity. One that is the first step in us being able to become Conscious Galactic Citizens. We cannot do this if we are still focused solely on our self as an individual. That is a level and form of Spiritual Immaturity that we have existed within for millennia.

I share this message from Blue Jay in the energy of Service to the Galactic Collective of which Humanity is but one small part. Do with it what you will; take it to heart or store it away.

IN-Joy I Serve

Ģy’ Shé em

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Krone Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

Ancient~Future Wisdom Keeper

Intergalactic Magnetic Activation Master

© 2021 Essence Ka tha’ras
 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the Author – Essence Ka tha’ras and please add a link back to this web-site…

“IKoK Chat~June 4, 2021: Part 3-You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual Series”

IKoK Chat ~ June 4, 2021:

Part 3-You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual Series

Please join me, Krone Essence Ka tha’ras, and the other Krones of the IKoK, the International Koalition of Krones, as we continue our look at what it really means when we say, “You Cannot Separate the Physical from the Spiritual”.

We will be talking about the concept of what is able to be achieved when we “Flip Our World Perspective” and learn how focusing on the Physical aspects of Self and Reality while still maintaining a rational mind balance with the Spiritual aspects can actually help us advance our Spiritual Knowledge and Expansion much more quickly.

We’ll be sharing some tips, techniques, concepts and perspective we believe can be very beneficial to not only the individual on their Sacred Journey, but also to the Collective as we journey together through these uncertain times.

We are going to get real and take a long hard look at self and talk about some of the more uncomfortable issues that have arisen in this Spiritual Consciousness Expansion Belief System that are currently being brought to the surface for us to face.

The IKoK is an international group of Spiritually Awakened Wise Women whose goal is to assist the Collective in its continued Spiritual Awakening & Consciousness Expansion Journey during this time on Earth referred to as “The Great Awakening”.

Our aim is to assist and inspire each other through these challenging times as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity of Earth continues its journey of Consciousness Expansion and we begin Awakening more and more into becoming Conscious and Intentional Galactic Beings.

Remember, “Wherever We go from here, Whatever We Experience as Reality, We go together and We Are 100% Responsible for Creating it.”

Please make plans to join us and invite friends and family of a like mind to join us as well.

Please register for this IKoK Chat by using the link provided and be looking for your Confirmation Email with all the necessary information to join us live.


Here is the link to register for this Chat

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We will see you at the Chat.