Calling All Energy Masters: Lunar Eclipse & Mars Opposition

Calling All Energy Masters: Lunar Eclipse & Mars Opposition

We have many different energy events going on right now, bringing in a lot of energies and a lot of information surrounding it all, yet it is all related. So, we are going to just take a look at what is transpiring right now and how it is affecting us and how best to work with the energies at this time.
Following are the main events, energies and frequencies we have at our disposal to work with. We have….

Total Lunar Eclipse 7/27/18
Main Frequency: 5/44 Dual with 7/11 & 5/111 Subs & 00 Vortex
Note: 5/44 and 5/111 are New Frequencies

Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment 7/27/18
5/44 Dual Frequency

Mars Closest Approach to Earth 7/31/18
7/22 Dual Frequency
Note: the 7/22 Dual is also a New Frequency, and although not being brought the first time by this Mars approach, it did just very recently appear; approx. less than one month ago

Metatronic I AM Keyword Phrases
5/44 Dual – I AM the Power of Metamorphosis. I Fearlessly Create Change and Anchor it into Physical Reality

7/22 Dual – I AM the Intelligence of Spirit Indwelling in Self. I possess the Vision of Spirit through which Knowledge of the Building of Sacred Structure is Known

5/111 Dual – I AM Change. I Activate and Anchor the Conception of Multidimensionality into the Realms of Physical Matter

7/11 Dual – I AM the Truth of Divine Intelligence Illumined through the Spiritually Awakened Self
00 Frequency – I AM All Potentiality

Baseline Frequency Assistance of these Events

1: Disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the Illusionary Human “God” concept, the emotions and thoughts of Hatred, Control and Greed, and the acts of War these things create that feed the division and discord of our Collective Present Projected Time Frame Reality.
2: Anchoring the knowledge of, and ability to fully comprehend the concept of multidimensionality into our physical reality, and lead to the first strong experiences of what being multidimensional really is and how it works, and more acceptance of the possibility multidimensionality exists by mainstream.

Suggested Protocol for working with these Events and Frequencies

It is suggested using the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment Frequency Audio Meditation during the days of these events and this work. Suggested use is once daily on the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st; preferable at 20:22 UTC. (See end of article for Audio Meditation)
On start date and end date especially, if possible it is suggested to spend time in meditation as quietly as possible, listening to the audio frequency and simply allow the frequencies of the Total Lunar Eclipse to meld with the frequency of the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment. We are not looking to experience vividly busy meditations… Think of how a Total Lunar Eclipse covers the view of the moon and the energies get quiet. This is the desired effect and experience we are striving for.
Remember, the Total Lunar Eclipse and the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment both carry this new 5/44 Dual Frequency which is about creating metamorphosis within the Collective Reality and disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions that create and maintain the Current Collective Projected Time Frame Illusionary Reality of Division and Discord.
This Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment focuses directly on the dissolution of 1) the Illusionary Human “God” concept used to create and maintain divisionary religious dogmatic belief systems, 2) the concept of War, which most often stems from the division created by the illusionary human “God” concept, and 3) the emotion of Hatred and the craving of Control and Greed birthed from, and associated with the energy Matrix created and maintained from the weaving of these energetic threads.

Information Details

This longest Total Lunar Eclipse of this century carries the same main frequency as the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment, (as well as the 7/11 & 5/111 Subs & 00 Vortex frequencies) and substantially boosts the 5/44 Dual frequency and the frequency assistance it brings. The Eclipse is really about adding energy to the Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment and the specific work associated with it.

The 5/111 Dual Frequency is about anchoring the knowledge of, and ability to fully comprehend the concept of multidimensionality into our physical reality, and lead to the first strong experiences of what being multidimensional really is and how it works on a collective level; meaning it will assist in the concept of multidimensionality becoming more mainstream accepted.

The 7/22 Dual Frequency is where knowledge of the Creation Process is accessed.

Among other information (such as how to construct and activate Sacred Temples), this Frequency Field holds the knowledge of Sacred Alchemy.

Here, detailed information of working with energy, frequency and vibration in the exact necessary proportions, energy flow directions, flow rates and flow rate ratios of specific energy and frequency configurations, (plus much more) needed to make the determination of template and blueprint patterns of desired and intended reality manifestations is made available to those who know the secrets of properly entering this Frequency Field.

Know that, the ability to gain entry into this Frequency Field in order to access the information and knowledge contained within it can only occur through dedication to diligent study of specific prerequisite information, as well as the ability to hold one’s individual frequency at a specific vibrational frequency rate.

The colors most closely associated with this frequency are Emerald Green and Vibrant Pure Gold.

The 5/44 Dual Frequency is about creating change and anchoring it into the physical world. But not just ordinary minor change. Here we are talking about a metamorphosis into something well beyond what the currently held reality is. This frequency is a powerful “Agent of Change”; a frequency that many are uncomfortable with at times because it creates change on a massive scale.

The 7/11 Dual Frequency is a very powerful frequency that lends assistance in going beyond the surface in looking at Self; and Self here not only means the Individual person we are, it also means the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as the Individual Conscious Self it is.

This is the frequency combination that pushes us to take a long hard look at Self and demands we examine our life and belief system. It takes us beyond our comfort zone in what we consider to be our individual Responsibility for Self, especially as it pertains to our individual responsibility of being of assistance to the Awakening Journey of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

This 7/11 Dual frequency disallows the ability to any longer ignore the Truth of our Reality and our individual portion of the Responsibility for creating it.

The 00 Frequency holds a neutral charge, but it is Vortex Energy and is used primarily for creating and building power and strength to add to whatever Intention we are Consciously Creating.

The 00 Frequency shows us we are not only capable of creating the reality we desire for our self and for the Collective Consciousness as One, it gives us a tool of immense power to work with.

Additional Information

Here, detailed information of working with energy, frequency and vibration in the exact necessary proportions, energy flow directions, and flow rates, as well as energy flow rate ratios of specific energy and frequency configurations, (plus much more) needed to make the determination of template and blueprint patterns of desired and intended reality manifestations is made available to those who know the secrets of properly entering this Frequency Field.

Know that, the ability to gain entry into this Frequency Field in order to access the information and knowledge contained within it can only occur through dedication to diligent study of specific prerequisite information, as well as the ability to hold one’s individual frequency at a specific vibrational frequency rate.

The colors most closely associated with this frequency are Emerald Green and Vibrant Pure Gold.


The Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27th, 2018 is the longest of this century. It will be almost 105 years before we see the longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the next century.

The closest approach of Mars to Earth, occurring just 4 days after the Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment, is the second closest Mars has come to Earth in almost 60,000 years.

To put some perspective on this, the last time Mars came as close to Earth as it did in 2003, the year was 57,617 B.C.

In 2003 Mars came within 34.6 million miles (55.7 million km) of Earth. This year it will be only about 1.2 million miles (just under 2 million km) farther than it was in 2003.

This Mars Opposition is even more special because it isn’t an ordinary opposition. It’s a Perihelic Opposition, which means we, Earth, pass between Mars and the Sun at almost the same time Mars is closest to the Sun; this happens only 4 days after the exact Opposition Alignment. Usually Earth’s Opposition to Mars and the Sun, and Mars’ closest approach to the Sun happen with more time distance between them.

Mars, Earth & Sun

The three celestial bodies associated with this alignment and the Consciousness’ they each are, bring very specific energy and frequencies to be woven together to gift us with a combined frequency that when coupled with our Individual and Collective Conscious Thoughts and Intentions will go a long way in disintegrating and releasing antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the Illusionary Human “God” concept, the emotions and thoughts of Hatred, Control and Greed, and the acts of War these things create that feed the division and discord of our Collective Present Projected Time Frame Reality.

Mars is traditionally associated with War and Control, yet it brings the gifts of Energy, Action, Freedom and Strength and the Focus of Will.

Earth is our home. It is the Collective Consciousness of which we all are an Individual part. It holds many lessons for us, but it also brings the gifts of Immense Spiritual Growth; not only for us individually, but for the Collective Conscious Mind of Gaia, our Solar and Galactic (system) Collective Minds, and beyond.

The Sun embodies the “God” concept created by human beliefs. It is often thought of as being something to be feared. Even today we, (almost daily), talk of Solar Flares and how they can wreak havoc with our world and there is nothing we can do about it except try to hide and protect ourselves. Does this sound like a current retelling of an ancient story of “Gods” to be feared and appeased to you?

Yet the Sun is the Masculine frequency Life Giving force for our Planet and all life upon it. It gifts us with the frequencies and energies of assisting us in Cleansing and Releasing all that no longer serves us and shows us the way and aids us in the Transmutation of the Old Self into the Rebirthing of the New Self.

These are the three Consciousness’ and the frequency gifts they bring together to gift us with to utilize in the disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions that create and maintain the Current Collective Projected Time Frame Illusionary Reality of Division and Discord.

Just as these three Individual Conscious Celestial Beings are coming together to work hand-in-hand, we are being asked to join them by adding our Individual and Collective Intentions and Energies to this most Sacred of Healing work for Humanity and Earth.

Frequency Audio Meditation

Back in 2014, when working with the Mars, Earth, Sun Opposition Alignment I created a short audio of the three frequencies brought together by Mars, Earth and the Sun alignment; with the 10hz frequency used in parts.

Mars, Earth, Sun Alignment Frequency Tones

I have used it myself, (I always experiment on myself before sharing anything like this) and I can tell you it is very powerful. So, use it at your own discretion and under the guidance of your Spiritual Guides.

This audio is frequencies only and is not accompanied by any music. It begins with the Earth frequency, then the Mars frequency joins; then the Sun’s frequency for a short while. The Sun frequency then drops out, and after a bit the Mars frequency and the 10Hz frequency drops away, leaving the meditation to end with the Earth frequency by its self.

I believe it is fair to say this frequency audio will go a long way in assisting, not only the work of disintegration and releasing of antiquated beliefs and negative emotions associated with the “God” concept, War and Hatred, etc. on a collective level, but on an individual level will assist you in breaking up and releasing any of your personal issues you are ready to let go of. You can compare this to the use of ultra-sound in the dissolving what needs to be removed from the physical body.

So there we have the information of these very important events.

Yet, this is only the beginning! There is so much more coming up between now and the end of 2018 is it almost difficult to image.

Along with my Spiritual working partner Kyra Meerna, I will be sharing information on several events coming up between the first of August and the end of this year on our new Blog Talk Radio Program on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018.

Be sure to join us at 9pm Central time on our premiere program of…

“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”


So NOW… let the work begin!

In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”

You are not going to want to miss this….
Our Premiere Program of
“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”

So set your calendar reminders now, and go follow on Blog Talk.
And you are always welcome to call in the night of the program and ask questions and share your thoughts.


“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness” Premiere Program


Program Date: Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Program Time: 9pm CDT

Join us, Essence Ka tha’ras & Kyra Meerna, on our Premiere Program of

“Awakening Metatronic Consciousness” 

For almost three years, “Flowing with Spirit” Blog Talk Radio program has served us well, but Kyra and I are now moving into New Sacred Contractual Work.

We have moved into an Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge and will now be sharing with you from our new platform… “Awakening Metatronic Consciousness”. 

There is a lot going on energetically right now and we will be touching on several topics on this first program to give an overview.

Topics such as… What is Metatronic Consciousness?

We will also be looking at the Full Lunar Eclipse and the Eclipse Season we are currently in. The Mars Alignment and its closest approach since 2003, which incidentally was the closest its been in almost 60,000 years. The Dragon’s Gate and Lion’s Gate of August 8th, the Gem Constellation, an Ancient-Future Magnetic Field Alignment, and the Birth of the New Emerald Core.

What is Metatronic Consciousness?

Understandably, the term Metatronic often leads people to automatically think this program, “Awakening Metatronic Knowledge” is associated with the being known to many as the Ascended Master Lord Metatron. This is not the case.

Metatronic refers to the Mantle of Full Light Spectrum Energy of Complete Knowledge and Awareness which is accessible within the opening dimensions of the 7th Dimensional Frequency Plane; otherwise known as the Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality.

The Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality is the Reality Dimension beyond the current Collective Reality Earth and Gaia exist within in the 5th Dimensional Frequency Plane. Sometimes referred to as the “New Mayan Calendar Round Reality”.

It can be stated that the Metatronic Consciousness Frequency Reality begins in the 7th Dimensional Frequency Plane and exists as reality fully within the 7th through the 11th Dimensional Frequency Planes; a journey though yet another portion of existence in our Universal quadrant.

Program Date: Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Program Time: 9pm CDT


As always, we welcome you to call in at (657)382-0225 and add to our discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions.

Connect with Essence Ka tha’ras

FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher


“Present” Time New Knowledge Information Glyph

“Present” Time New Knowledge Information Glyph

On May 10th, 2018 I shared an article entitled Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge” where I spoke of a huge influx of “New Knowledge” pouring onto the planet in the form of New Knowledge Information Encoded Glyphs.

Just prior to sharing that article I began working with these New Knowledge Information Glyphs and have continued to do so.

In this article I would like to share one specific New Knowledge Information Glyph image I have created and a small bit of information that has come from it.

The information I am sharing here from the “Present” Time Glyph is by no means the entirety of information held within this New Knowledge Glyph. As a matter of fact, it is really much more about how to view this Glyph at a beginning level in order to open information that would be relevant to each individual if they should so desire to work with it. For you see, each New Knowledge Glyph will share information specifically relevant for every individual as it pertains to their current point of consciousness expansion on their individual journey through this Reality Realm.

I will share that this “Present” Time New Knowledge Information Glyph is one of three “Time Glyphs” I received on the same day.


New Knowledge Information Glyphs

“Present” Time Glyph

Original Received May 9th, 2018

This form Received May 21st, 2018

“Present” Time Portal



 Initial “Present” Time New Knowledge Glyph Information

“The energies of (the) “Present”, Mirror for us the reality we are manifest within in the NOW moment.

In the “Present”, you make the decisions of the mixture of Earthly and Celestial DNA, (and atoms) that will be physically and energetically commingled to create and manifest any number of “Future” realities.

Proportion, energy flow direction, and flow rate, as well as energy flow rate ratios of specific configurations make the determination of the number of, and blueprint patterns of “Future Manifest Realities”.


Expanded “Present” Time New Knowledge Glyph Information

The ever-shifting multidimensional Portal that fills the Doorway of (our) “Present” Time (lifetime) allows us to make an infinite number of choices as to what we will create and manifest as experience in (our) “Present” lifetime. Because of this motion of constant shifting, energies exist that allow for choice changes and adjustments to “Present” manifest lifetime experiences to be made and instituted even as Creation its self is transpiring.

Because of the constant movement and shifting that occurs within the multidimensional “Present” Time Portal, Shadows areas are created, that too are ever-shifting. These Shadow areas cause distortions that create perceptions of areas of Unknown, and from this, perceived energetic blockages to creating and manifesting the “Present” life desired seem to suddenly and unexpectedly appear.

How the Shadow areas of Unknown are perceived within one’s “Present” lifetime experience is a matter of perception choice. One can either choose to see them as energetic blockages to creating their desired “Present” lifetime experience, or they can choose to view them as opportunities and invitations to delve deep within the “Unknown Areas” and, through study and commitment, gain New Knowledge that can be of great benefit to the creation process of the “Present” Time lifetime experience.

The reason humans tend to automatically perceive these Shadow areas of Unknown as energy blockages to the creation of their desired manifest “Present” Time lifetime experience is because they have become attached to the desire for instant gratification. They want what they want NOW!

Part of the reason humans have become so attached to the desire for instant gratification is because at a deeply buried subconscious level there lie memories of the ability possessed at higher vibrational frequency levels of existence to manifest instantly at will.

Another reason energetic blockages seemingly occur from Shadow areas created by distortions in the ever shifting “Present” Time multidimensional Portal is because, from the human perspective the true reason Spirit manifest into human form has been forgotten.

As portions of the Oneness of Spirit, the reason for manifesting into physical human form was, and has always been, for the express purpose of the experience of existing within this physical reality realm as human.

Humans have forgotten the reason they are here is to experience the journey, and not about reaching some human created desired destination. They have forgotten how to find Joy in the Journey. This is but a small portion of knowledge lying within the Shadow areas of the Unknown.

The ever-shifting Multidimensional “Present” Time Portal also creates areas of reflective surfaces. At these reflective area points it becomes as a Mirror that allows for viewing self and how one is responding to what they have created.

IF… one will but stop long enough and take time to step back from so desperately trying to create an experience of instant gratification of attaining a human perspective desired destination, and really look at self from the perspective of the portion of Spirit they truly are, they will more easily and quickly be able to remember and appreciate the Journey originally set out upon.

This in turn, will more quickly bring about the remembrance of one’s true abilities of the creation process and how to manifest desired “Present” Time human lifetime experiences within the energies of Joy, Ease and Grace.


The three multidimensional Time Spheres (Past, Present, Future) connected by the multidimensional DNA strands at the center of the “Present” Time Portal are where the Knowledge of the Creation process of the “Present” Time lifetime reality is contained.

The two Pillars of the “Present” Time Doorway, through which one must step into the Multidimensional “Present” Time Portal in order to manifest “Present” lifetime experiences, are energetically engraved with the two individual strands of biological DNA. When properly woven together, these two biological DNA strands allow one’s Spirit form to adjust its finer vibrational frequency rate down into the denser vibrational frequency rate that allows for manifestation within this current carbon based physical form reality.

Standing on the “Threshold” (the two magenta cross sections that connect the two “Present” Time Doorway Pillars) of the “Present” Time Doorway, holding/connected to each of the two Pillars, activation of the encoded instructions energetically engraved on the Doorway Threshold on the proper way to weave the two biological DNA strands occurs, thus setting into motion the manifestation process into the physical form reality.

Once the weaving of the two biological DNA strands allowing for the adjustment of the finer vibrational frequency rate of the Spirit form into the necessary vibrational frequency rate that allows for manifestation within this current carbon based physical form reality has reached a certain point, one then steps through the Doorway into the “Present” Time Portal. Here then, one must properly connect the “3 Time Spheres” by linking them together via the correct access points within their Multidimensional DNA to that of their biological two strand DNA.

The “DNA Roses” are representative of the main energies and vibrational frequency rates that allow the proper weaving of one’s multidimensional DNA with their “Present” Time lifetime reality experience biological two strand DNA. The pink represents the energies of Love of the physical plane vibrational frequency rate; while the magenta represents the energy of the higher vibrational frequency rate of Universal Unconditional Love; and the black represents the Shadow areas of the Unknown.

I offer this “Present Time New Knowledge Information Glyph” as a Gift to be used in your “Present” Time Lifetime Experience to be of assistance to you in your continued Consciousness Expansion work through this current Earthly Human Journey.

For more information about how to best begin working with the New Knowledge Information Glyphs, read the May 10th, 2018 article entitled Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge”

Additional Information:

Earlier in this article I referred to receiving three “Time Glyphs”. On the same day I received this “Present” Time New Knowledge Information Glyph I also received “Past” and “Future” Time Glyphs. The following information refers to those two Time Glyphs.

In comparing the three New Knowledge Information Time Glyphs we see the “Present” Time Glyph differs from that of the “Past” and “Future” Glyphs in that there is a Threshold to this Doorway.

This is because “Present” Time realities differ in frequency and form from that of “Past” and “Future” Time realities.

“Present” Time realities are held within boundaries within Time and Space; “Past” and “Future” realities are not. “Present” Time realities are beholden to specific form for their existence; “Past” and “Future” Time realities are bound by no such constraints.


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator


© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…



Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge

Era of New Beginnings & New Knowledge

New Knowledge Information Glyphs


Recent Metatronic Numerology Frequency Readings have verified what many already have a sense of “Knowing” energetically; that we as a Collective have recently moved into an Energy Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge.

At this point there is a huge influx of “New Knowledge” pouring onto the planet in the form of New Knowledge Information Encoded Glyphs (symbols).

At times, these New Knowledge Information Glyphs are being gifted to our planetary reality at such a rapid rate it is as if they are falling into our reality sphere like a gentle spring shower. The vast majority of these New Knowledge Information Glyphs do not land on and embed into the human form, but instead land on and embed into the planet its self; while some settle and embed into our planetary grid system.

The amount of information contained in a single Glyph is massive. Way too much information for the human mind to comprehend at a conscious level, and/or try to share through spoken or written language.

For most people, this new Glyph Knowledge is not meant to be comprehended or shared through the filter of the human mind of rational conscious thought. It is meant to be accessed and comprehended at an energetic level by use of intuition. It is meant to be absorbed at a cellular level into the human form.

It is only through the process of conscious energy exchange between humans that this New Knowledge Information can be shared. Through a conscious, intentional, energy exchange where “cellular conversation” between humans occurs, one that allows for interaction at the cellular, even the atomic level, a process of osmosis[i] occurs that opens access to even more knowledge than is possible for any single individual to access on their own.

This “New Knowledge”, as it is being referred to, is actually Ancient-Future Knowledge that the current Collective Consciousness of Humanity has not had access to for several megaannus[ii]. Some information soon to be accessible, the Collective has not had access to for an Eon[iii](+).

The majority of the New Knowledge found in these “Glyphs/Symbols” is of such an advanced nature in comparison to our current human level of understanding it is not yet possible for humans to comprehend it at the rational mind thought level.

There are several reasons the influx of this New Knowledge via Glyphs/Symbols is occurring now.

One is this is where we are as a Collective in the natural process of our Collective Consciousness Expansion Journey; we are simply moving into the next phase of this journey.

Another reason for the influx of this New Knowledge is to assist in the reawakening of our higher communications abilities; telepathy, intuitive languages, etc. Working with these New Knowledge Glyphs gives us opportunity to practice, hone and eventually master, our higher communications skills and abilities.

Another very important reason is because a portion of the Human Collective Consciousness will soon be called to begin accessing the 6th Dimensional Frequency Realm in a much more concrete way. This New Knowledge Glyph work is necessary preparation in order to be ready to lead the way into the 6th Dimensional Frequency Reality. These higher communications abilities must be Mastered to a minimum degree to be prepared for that task.

Suggested Exercise

For those who find an interest in this information and work, I would like to offer the following simple exercise to assist you with accessing and beginning to work with the New Knowledge Information Glyphs now being gifted to us.

With pen and paper in hand, take yourself into a meditative state while holding the intention of being shown a single simple Glyph to begin working with.

While in this meditative state draw the Glyph you are shown. If you find yourself having difficulty “seeing” a Glyph, simply allow the process of automatic writing to occur.

Once you have drawn the Glyph you were shown, use it as a meditative mandala.

Do not try to “hear” or comprehend information through the filter of the human mind of rational conscious thought.

Instead, simply sit in the energy emitted by the Glyph you were shown. Allow yourself to feel/sense/visualize this energy entering every individual cell in your physical body, as well as completely filling your Energy Matryx Grid, (Aura).

Use this meditative process daily with the Glyph you were shown for at least one to two weeks before attempting to work with a second Glyph.

Keep a picture of the Glyph you are working with as a visual reminder where you will see it several times throughout your day.

For those who have difficulty “Seeing” or determining a Glyph to begin this work with, or simply feel drawn to one of the Glyphs shown below, I offer the following three New Knowledge Information Glyphs for you to choose from to work with.

In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation


Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator


© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

[i] Osmosis definition: the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.

[ii] A period of approximately one million earth years

[iii] A period of approximately one billion earth years

Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

I originally transcribed the crux of this message in March of 2016. I decided then was not the time to share it because the energy blanketing the planet and the Collective was so divisive and combative, (and growing exponentially), I was concerned the message would be lost, or even worse, add to those low frequency energies.

Although the Collective is still dealing with this divisive and combative energy, it does seem to have slowed in escalating and settled into a level that is beginning to be worked with that has the potential for healing and releasing many issues the Collective must face and resolve.

With that stated, I now share this article.


Spiritual Warrior: Lay Down Your Weapons

The belief and energy of a “Lightworker” as a “Spiritual Warrior” participating in a “Spiritual Battle” between the forces of Light and Dark does nothing but perpetuate and feed energy to maintaining War, Battle, Conflict, Struggle and Separation. It does nothing to stop the struggle and conflict that rages and continues to grow in your Collective Reality; not in the energetic Spiritual realms and not in the Physical realms of Matter.

When you understand that everything in the physical realms has its energy genesis originating in the realms of Spirit, then moves into, and through, the mental and emotional energy realms where it is fed until it is sufficiently cohesive enough to manifest into the physical realms of matter, you come to understand that a “Spiritual Warrior” doing “Spiritual Battle” only feeds and maintains what it is they say they are battling.

For a “Spiritual Warrior” to engage in “Spiritual Battle” there must be an opposing force, a nemesis, to do battle with. To engage in Spiritual Battle with a perceived enemy is to constantly create that enemy.

So “Lightworker”, We really know of no other way to say this.

If you are still perceiving of yourself as a “Spiritual Warrior” and holding an attitude and belief of the necessity of participating in “Spiritual Battle” or “Spiritual Warfare” against a perceived enemy, you are only creating energy that feeds that which you say you are battling and perpetuates the battles you are fighting. And, you are participating in creating the energy that feeds those who are fighting physical wars and controlling and harming others.

In all the history of your planet, indeed in all the history of this Universe, Peace has not ever been created through warfare. It is simply not energetically possible.

Now, this does not mean you should not stand in your power, or should not stand united against the warring actions of those who cause suffering, pain and destruction on your planet; but if you truly want to contribute to the healing necessary to create a world of Peace you will have to “lay down your weapons”; including your weapons of energy.

Some in your Collective reality would say that to even contemplate the ideas we present here is naive and idealistic; that reality cannot be created, controlled or changed with the use of energy and intent. To them we say to this…

“You easily, and without question, accept the “recent discoveries” of your mainstream sciences. In the Quantum Fields of your mainstream sciences you are being shown that this is exactly how your reality is created.

The Quantum Sciences of your reality are beginning to see, and prove, what Ancient Spiritual Mystics have stated throughout your entire human history. That your reality is an illusion created by (your) thought and intent, projected into physical form by your strong belief in the illusion, and held in a state of dense physical matter by your emotional attachment to what you believe to be truth.

Your mainstream Quantum Sciences have shown you that what is considered the building blocks of matter, the atom, is 99.99% empty space. They have shown you, through scientific experimentation, that the Observer Affects the Observed. Meaning that by merely watching, (looking at), what you perceive as reality, you have an effect on what reality is, even if you aren’t consciously “intending” to create any specific outcome. And the Collective reality, the reality all humans share, is the result of the weaving together of the thoughts, intentions, beliefs and emotional attachments to these by 7+ Billion humans.”

To create the change in the Collective Reality you say you seek, the first two steps are the most important.

First you must learn the secrets of working with energy. You must reawaken to, and remember, your abilities of Creation.

Then, secondly, you must come together and stand united in the work of healing what causes the pain, suffering, separation and destruction created by those factions of your Collective Consciousness that continue existing in the energies of separation.

You cannot create a reality of Unity and Peace by trying to defeat, and do away with, a part of your Collective. You cannot destroy a part of your Complete Self and ever expect to be Whole and Healed.

Your Collective Reality has become extremely set in an energy of separation; a mindset of “us and them”.

Your Collective Consciousness has become so deeply entrenched in this separation energy that even those who are here to play the parts of physically protecting the side of Light are becoming confused as to what is right and wrong and at times are now abusing their power and harming those they are meant to serve & protect.

Your Collective Consciousness has moved so far into the “War” mindset and existed there for such an extended period of linear time, it will take some time to extricate its self from it.

But, someone must be the one to (re)start the true healing process. That is the original meaning and intended work of what it means to be a “Lightworker”.

Unfortunately, the original meaning and intent of the true work of a “Lightworker” has become ensnared in a web of clouded confusion; covered over by the dense energies you have had to travel through just to exist as Spirit manifest in physical matter’s form within your current Collective Reality on Earth.

Yet, even though all this, the original meaning and intent of the true work of a “Lightworker” has survived at the core of every individual who volunteered to “Be Here Now”, in order to assist in attaining the level of Collective Consciousness Expansion necessary to take your Reality to its next stage of Spiritual Reawakening and Growth.

We remind you… despite how it may appear on the surface of your reality, growth and forward movement in the Collective Consciousness Expansion journey of your reality IS occurring. Change and an era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge are manifesting.

In this “Light”, we offer the following statement of encouragement to use as a mantra, a constant reminder, of what was originally meant and intended to be the true work you came into this reality to do…

“A Lightworker works WITH light, not AGAINST Darkness.”


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…

Time of Spiraling: The Call to Sacred Contractual Work

The Call to Sacred Contractual Work

NOW, under this Scorpio Full Moon, is the time to send forth “The Call” to reunite with Group Collective Conscious Minds in which you are under Sacred Contract with to Work in Service for the ONE.

In October of 2013 I received a Message from A Universal Elder of this NOW: An Emissary from the Field of Consciousness of the Infinite Potentiality, meant to be shared with the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. You can read that message using this link.

A Cosmic Gathering

On Sunday, April 22nd, 2018 I received another message meant to be shared with the Collective. It is as follows…

“Worlds are ending

Realties are melting away

This is how it should be

This is movement upon the New Firma Matter, (Sacred Cosmic Terra Matter), spoken of by the (A) Universal Elder “Of things to Come”; those (things) whose seeds were planted so long ago at the time of the “First Gathering” of (by) those who have Dedicated a portion of their Eternal Existence to the Manifesting of Collective Realities and the Worlds Created within them.

NOW is simply the “Time of the Spiraling of the Changing of the Guardians of Eternity”.


Since the time of the “First Gathering”, when our individualized consciousness’ as Human began to form, we have worked within Group Collective Conscious Minds; each specializing in specific work, with specific jobs to do, and specific Gifts to bring into this reality.

There are very significant junctures in “Time” when it is vital to the continuation of the Consciousness Expansion and Spiritual Growth of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity that certain Group Collective Conscious Minds remember this work, come together in Human form, and consciously bring their “Gifts of Energy” into play and tend the “Seeds” they helped plant so long ago.

NOW is one such juncture in “Time” in this, Our, Present Projected Collective Time Frame Reality.

Having reconnected to others whom you know within yourself are Spirit Family and you have worked with in this fashion, some of you have already begun this work. Others will recognize this “Call” now and begin the energetic search in earnest to, once again, connect with other humans whom you have Sacred Contractual Work with.

Whether you only now recognize this call or are already engaged in this work within Group Collective Conscious Minds, but now feel the KNOWING it is time to step up to the next level of this work, NOW is the Time to do so.

The yearly Scorpio Full Moon offers the perfect opportunity and assistance to begin the work of sending forth the initial “Call” to reunite with Group Collective Conscious Minds. Every year during the Scorpio Full Moon information about the Earth’s true purpose, information concerning time cycles affecting our reality and the process of Earth’s continued creation, as well as information concerning global evolution is broadcast from the Sacred Mountain Kailash in Tibet; the Crown Chakra of Earth.

If you are feeling “The Call” to this level of work this is your perfect opportunity to begin.


In Service to the ONE

IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras

Master Metatronic Numerologist

Spiritual Growth Guide & Awakening Facilitator



© 2018 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

and please add a link back to this web-site…



Flowing With Spirit: Nothing is Random & Buddha Perched High Up in a Tree

Flowing with Spirit

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 Program

Nothing is Random: Why was Buddha Perched High Up in a Tree?


Please join Co-hosts, Essence Ka tha’ras and Kyra Meerna, along with program producer, Katsura Balanza, on this month’s “Flowing with Spirit” Blog Talk Radio program.

Join us on this month’s program when we will be discussing, what on the surface appears to be unrelated topics, but upon further examination we see are truly connected.

Topics such as…

Nothing is Random…. Balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies…. Seeing beyond the absurdity of our reality; and does this current level of absurdity thriving in our reality serve a purpose? New Knowledge coming into our reality, New Beginnings and Moving into New Sacred Contractual Work for many.

And last but not least, we will answer the question, “Why was Buddha Perched High Up In a Tree?”

Please join us Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 @ 7:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Central time as we discuss and share our perspective on these topics.

As always, we welcome you to call in at 516-387-1874 and add to our discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions.

Use this link to listen live or to the archived program.

Flowing with Spirit: Nothing is Random & Why was Buddha Perched High Up in a Tree?

“Flowing with Spirit” is a proud member of the Muse Broadcast monthly lineup.

Connect with Essence Ka tha’ras

FB: Essence Ka tha’ras – Teacher
