Magick’s Mistress

Magick’s Mistress



Sweet Magick’s Mistress, I implore,

come sing to me

The Lore of Old of What Shall Be

Beneath the Sacred Apple Tree

In the Orchard’s centre I wait for thee

On Raven’s wing her song took flight

Opening realms beyond mundane sight


Spider woman

Sang She;

“Amidst the beauty in the dark of night

‘tis where does shine wisdom’s light

To view once again with magickal eyes

worlds existing beyond all lies

Ye must fly into What Is To Come

for ‘tis where Illusion is lost and Knowledge won

The Sacred held in every heart

‘tis the secret to where Creation’s movement doeth start

For magick to awaken and healing to find

Love must reign in every heart and mind.”


On this night, her song, Magick’s Mistress did sing to me

Sharing the Lore of Old of What Shall Be

So sit here now I, beneath the Sacred Apple Tree

in Avalon’s centre and wait for thee.


Essence Ka tha’ras

Bio Pic 2015 3 sm


© 2016 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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