July 25th: Day Out Of Time

Today, July 25th, is known to the Mayan as the “Day out of Time”

This is a day when the Veils between the Worlds/Dimensions are at their thinnest; A day to Reset Reality for the coming year.

I will be spending today in quiet contemplation and deep meditation communing with Black Jaguar and Chak Chel; the Krone Aspect of Ix Chel.

Chak Chel - Krone Aspect of the Goddess Ix Chel

Chak Chel – Krone Aspect of the Goddess Ix Chel

Chak Chel; the Mayan Krone Goddess Aspect of the Great Goddess Ix Chel, is depicted with a Serpent headdress. This is because to the Mayan the Serpent is a symbol of Knowledge, Wisdom, Science and Medicine. Ix Chel is the keeper of Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom associated with, among other things, Science and Medicine, and is responsible for the Fertility of the land, and humanity.

Chak Chel, the “Great Rainbow” prepares the way for the next age. She is the keeper of the knowledge of Science and the Sacred Mysteries and Mid-wife of “What is to Come”.

Known to many as the Goddess of Destruction, the Krone and her Wisdom is often misinterpreted as harsh and devastating because she knows what IS, and what must be done away with before “What is to Come” can be built and become Reality; and she holds the Knowledge and Wisdom to make this happen.

Today Chak Chel brings us the Gift of her Knowledge and Wisdom to show us WHAT we need to do away with, and HOW to do away with it in order to prepare the way for “What Is To Come”.

Black Jaguar - Ruler of the Underworld & Night Sun

Black Jaguar – Ruler of the Underworld & Night Sun

Jaguar represents the night, the underworld and the night sun. Jaguar belongs to another space and world; not to this world, and therefore represents what is not controlled by man and the physical realms. Jaguar Medicine teaches us to “See” into the unknown, into the darkest parts of our self and shows us the ways, uses and Sacredness of Magick and Ritual, and helps us to hone our abilities to “See” with Clear Sacred Vision. Jaguar also brings the energy of Fertility into our lives; fertility of our Spiritual Practices, Mental Clarity, Emotional Control and Physical Fertility as well.

Today is a 22 Frequency day with a 7 sub-frequency influence.

7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

Both of these frequencies hold a Masculine/Positive charge, therefore they are Action Frequency. These are the perfect Frequencies for the work of Seeing and Releasing what no longer serves, in order to make way for “What is to Come”.


IN-Joy I Share

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2015 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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