Preparation for October 2014 Metatronic Work

Two days ago on Facebook I shared a post asking “If I said the word “Flower” to you, what is the first flower that comes to your mind?”

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There was a reason for this question.

The reason is because in October, for those interested, we are going to be Consciously and Intentionally connecting in a clear fashion with the Devic Kingdoms.

Each of the Devic Kingdoms holds very specific information, knowledge and assistance for us in our journey of life here on Earth. They are intelligent in ways we have forgotten as humans, and are powerful allies when we will but learn to listen and work with them.

They want to work with us, but demand respect and must be treated as equals; for the truth is, they are our equals here on Earth, and their world and reality is intertwined with ours and is affected by the decisions we make as humans. They know this, and they understand most humans have forgotten this knowledge, and have forgotten how to communicate with them as equals.

During the month of October, we are going to be reconnecting with the Devic Kingdoms, and they are going to be of assistance to us in helping show us the next steps on our Sacred Journey here on Earth, and assist us individually and Collectively, in learning to better communicate with them and in gaining a clearer understanding of our Sacred Contractual Work; especially as it relates to working in conjunction with them.

So if you have not yet chosen a Flower from the Plant Kingdom who is calling to work with you individually please do so and begin making your list.

The second Devic Kingdom we are going to connect to is the Mineral Kingdom.

So I ask you… “If I say the words Stone, Rock, Crystal, or Mineral to you, what is the first image that comes to mind for you?”

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moldavite Libyan Desert Glass

Once you have made these determinations take some time to research and learn a bit about the “Medicine” these Allies carry. Their “Medicine” is the Knowledge and Wisdom they have to teach and share.

If you have a difficult time making a decision on a Flower or Stone, then allow Spirit and the Devic Kingdoms to help you. Set you intention that the next Flower and/or Stone you see, whether it is in nature, in a magazine, a book or on TV, then this is the Devic Spirit that has come to work with you personally.

I will be leaving tomorrow for the Shambahalla ~Metatronic Meditation & Rejuvenation Retreat and will not return home until late Sunday evening. But at the beginning of next week I will share the other Devic Kingdoms we will be making a Conscious and Intentional connection to, as well as sharing the Devic Spirits from all the Devic Kingdoms we will be working with as a Group Collective Conscious Mind.

I have made contact with them and I can tell you it is a very powerful group of Devic Kingdom Spirit Consciousness’ we will be working with.

So until then…….


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

 Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the

Author – Essence Ka tha’ras

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