Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 7/6/14~Powerful Frequency Influx for Creating Reality


Today is a 2 Frequency day with 00, 55, 77 and 88 Sub-frequency influences and a 777 Active Potential influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 2, 00, 55, 77, 88 and 777 are:

2 – I AM Balanced Communication

00 – I AM All Potentiality

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

77 – I AM the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

88 – I AM the Knowledge of Sacred Geometry & Divine Engineering

777 – I AM the Multi-dimensional Alchemical Synthesis of Technology, Biology and Spirit

As you can see, today we have a very intricately woven frequency day with some very powerful energies in play. With so many frequencies in play we are going to take a look at them individually and in an order that reflects the pattern in which they are woven together.

The 55 Frequency came into play back on the 1st of this month and will continue to be a part of each day’s frequency weaving through the 18th.

We have already had two or three blocks of days this year where the 55 Frequency was in play, so what this tells us is that we are really being guided to make a conscious connection with our Higher Self. We are being pushed to become consciously aware of and operate continuously from the mindset of our Higher Self in our daily life.

55 is the frequency of the Individualized Awareness of the Higher Self. The spark of the Divine Heart lies dormant in the 1 Frequency, and is ignited in the 55 Frequency.

In this initial igniting, the awareness and accepted reality of the Higher Self is made evident to the individual and communication with the Higher Self becomes more lucid and coherent. When the connection to the Higher Self is accomplished and a clear communications link is established, then the understanding of Divine Will begins to transpire.

Divine Will is spoken of by the Higher Self, for the Higher Self of each individual self sees the larger perspective of our reality from a much expanded view and is capable of placing the needs of the Collective Consciousness above the needs and desires of self.

The 55 Frequency holds a neutral charge, so it is a very grounding frequency, but unlike the 5 Frequency, which also holds a neutral charge and grounds us to Earth and the physical realms and dimensions, helping us stay more centered and balanced in the physical realms, the 55 Frequency grounds us into the physically illusive Realms of Spirit; it grounds us to the Higher Frequency Dimensions, the home of our Higher Self, assisting us in staying centered and balanced in the Spiritual Frequency dimensions.


The 77 Frequency is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective and our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities with, and into a cohesive form with our Physical Intellect begins and transpires.

Within this frequency the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind that has lain dormant in the 5 frequency has its first initial awakening.

This is the frequency that is of the most assistance to us in not only hearing the voice of Spirit, but then being able to interpret the information and knowledge received from Spirit into information we can really utilize and implement into our everyday physical lives and reality. Just like yesterday, this is what the 77 Minor frequency has been set into our day to do for us, but today it is a much stronger influence on the day.

The energy bandwidth of the 777 Frequency is where, through the use of Sacred Alchemical processes, we begin working within the Multi-dimensional realms of reality in a much more mentally expanded way, because within the 777 Frequency we begin to learn how to bring together, blend and merge, the Technological, the Biological and the Spiritual aspects of Self and all their dimensions. This frequency is very important in bringing Multi-dimensionality into physical form.

This frequency and the information it contains, and what is capable of being created within it are amazing to say the least.

Although the 777 frequency is only a Potential, which basically means that although it is not exerting a strong perceptible influence on the day it does set the Potential for its energy to be felt and its impending affects to come into play.

As we have moved deeper into 2014 we have been working with the 77 and 777 frequencies more and more, going every deeper into their influence, and learning how to better navigate in the Multi-dimensional realms. We are doing this in preparation for 2015, an 8 Frequency year; a year very much about Physical Reality.

Very basically stated, we learn to bring together our Spiritual Intuition and our Physical Intellect within the 77 Frequency; this is the Spiritual and (part of) the Biological aspects of our reality. Once this is mastered, we then use the energy of the 777 Frequency to meld the Technological Aspect of our Reality with the blended Spiritual and Biological through a synthesis process using Sacred Alchemy and take our Reality to a whole new level; a Multi-dimensional level.

And just for the record, tomorrow, July 7th, 2014, is a 777 Day! We won’t see this again for another nine years, when it will repeat on July 7th, 2023.


The 2 Frequency holds the energy of Cooperation, Adaptability, Choice, and Waiting. It is the frequency of the Diplomat, the Mediator and the Peacekeeper. It is associated with Balanced Communication of all types. It is Patient, Empathic, Receptive, and very Intuitive. It is about Polarity; both about seeing and understanding Polar Opposites and about bringing those Opposites together. 

Within the 2 frequency the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind lies dormant, waiting to be ignited.

Here when the individual has found their personal identity within the 1 frequency, and has learned to stand in their own power without the need to try to dominate and overshadow others, they begin to learn the lessons of being a part of the Group.

Here the lesson of Give and Take in equal proportion, consideration for others as equally as for self, and the ability to adapt to not always having things their own way is a priority.

The 2 Frequency is about consciously becoming a part of community; community at all levels.

The 88 Frequency came into play on the 5th, and will be a part of each day’s frequency combination through the 9th. That is five consecutive days of this very powerful frequency. We have not seen this much 88 Frequency in play since I began doing these reports almost a year ago. As a matter of fact, the 88 Frequency is one we seldom see; so to have it in play for this length of time is very significant.

The 88 Frequency deals with the study, knowledge of, and working with, Sacred Geometry. This includes all the Grid Work we do.

It is associated with using Sacred Geometry in conjunction with Sound and Frequency to create, build and maintain our Physical Reality; and “Reality” beyond the physical realms as well.

Also associated with this frequency is the knowledge and information held within Sacred Sites around our planet and the Sacred Geometric forms created by the configuration of their placement on the planet in relationship to each other.

It also encompasses Celestial Sacred Geometry, which includes knowledge of the Sacred Geometric Grid Patterns and the Frequencies they create, maintain and emit associated with our planet in relationship to placement, (and even distance), to other planets and Celestial bodies. This includes knowledge of, and working with The Music of the Spheres.

The knowledge held within the 88 Frequency is vital to building the infrastructures of our cities and towns. When we once again take into conscious consideration the Sacred Geometric forms we are creating by the placement of buildings to each other and the Sacred Geometric forms we are creating when we do this building, we can and will change our physical reality in an exponential manner.

The 00 Frequency hold a neutral charge and is Vortex Energy and is used primarily for creating and building power and strength to add to whatever Intention we are Consciously Creating.

Remember, the I AM Keyword phrase for 00 is…

I AM All Potentiality

Just by looking at the keyword phrase we see what a powerful tool has been added to today’s frequency combination.

The 00 Frequency is showing us that Truly we are not only capable of creating the reality we desire for our self and for the Collective Consciousness as One, it gives us a tool of immense power to work with.


To try and wrap this all up in a neat little energetic bundle, I would have to say that today’s Frequency Weaving is bringing us assistance in learning how to come together much stronger as a Collective Community (2), each of us aware and in communication with our individual Higher Self, as well as the Higher Self of our Collective Group Consciousness (55); Hearing the Voice of Spirit (Higher Self) clearly, connecting the Divine Heart and the Divine Rational Mind, and implementing into our daily reality what we are being shown (77) so we can begin moving more rapidly into the Multi-dimensional Realms, bringing them every deeper into our Physical reality (777), through the use and mastery of Sacred tools (Sacred Geometry-88 & Vortex Energy-00).

Not really too much going on right now!

Like I have said before, WE are no longer in kindergarten. WE have graduated and we are expected to step up and take on much more responsibility for the creation of our reality; individually and collectively!

BUT… WE are being given assistance in doing so with the influx of energy into our Energy Fields with days such as today.


I suggest you take time today, and for the next few days, to bask in the high frequency energies we are being flooded with. Give yourself time to really allow these frequencies to move into your personal Energy Field and weave into it. This will assist you in ways you cannot really even imagine right now if you will do so.



IN-Joy working with today’s frequencies.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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