A Note to My Spiritual Family & Fellow Spiritual Travelers


Greetings Fellow Spiritual Travelers,

I just wanted to let you all know that I won’t get to put up tomorrow’s Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report until very late tonight, or maybe even tomorrow morning, because I AM going to practice what I preach and go out and spend today with friends and IN-Joy myself. I am going to take my Inner Child on a picnic!!

A Picnic with My Inner Child

A Picnic with My Inner Child

The reason for the note is that I want to give you all a little heads up on the second phase of this month’s work and what we will be focusing on so you can begin heading in that direction.

For the next seven days, from Friday, April 11th through Thursday, April 17th, 2014 our main focus for this month’s work of the Initial Manifestation into the Physical Realms of the Intentions we Set into place on the New Moon/Black Moon on March 3oth, 2014 is going to be Existing in and Radiating Gratitude. So get your “I’m Thankful for” list out and start using it!

Remember we have been working on the Conscious Creation of these Intentions, really since the first of the year, and this month we can expect to see the very earliest signs of them manifesting into our physical everyday life and reality.

So now I AM off to go play and IN-Joy myself for the rest of this day, and you all do the same thing!

Oh, and like I told a friend who said he was going to go have a picnic with his Inner Child today…. Take your Inner Child some jellybeans!


IN-Joy your day!


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras